Aviation / Construction
Posting Number 12 2021-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-7139
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-12-16
Commodity Code(s): 91223, 91310, 92528, 92935, 98832
Solicitation Link: https://charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=1852
One of seven remaining bid packages within the North End Around Taxiway Program. This package includes the major grading, drainage, utility, and NAVAIDS relocations required by the NEAT. The modifications to the NAVAIDS include a localizer relocation, modifications to multiple MALSR light stations, new NAVAID shelters and the relocation of an ASOS. These include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) Runway 36C Localizer; (ii) Runway 18C Medium Intensity Approach Light System (MALSR); (iii) Runway 18C Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI). These relocations will require full communication (fiber) connections to the airport fiber system and back-up power.
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