Department of General Services / Construction
Posting Number 03 2023-Q1(Jan-Mar)-DGS-10986
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-03-24
Commodity Code(s): 14560, 77000, 77009, 77093, 91023, 91066, 91078, 91473, 91891, 93670, 96177, 96894, 97568, Remov
Remove and dispose of the existing roof system including flashings and sheet metal down to the existing poured gypsum deck. Provide base sheet mechanically attached to roof deck. Provide vapor retarder. Provide roof insulation system. Provide a cold adhesive applied two-ply modified bitumen roof membrane along with flashings and accessories. Replace sheet metal flashings and trim. Provide a complete, weathertight, 20-year warrantable roof assembly with 30-year finish warranty.
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