Department of General Services / Construction
Posting Number 10 2022-Q4(Oct-Dec)-DGS-7017
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-10-01
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91200, 91276, 91319, 91347, 91430, 91450, 91473, 96239, 96861
Solicitation Link:
Phase II Animal Care & Control renovations will address non-compliant issues per the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Animal Welfare Section (NCDA&CS) Inspection reports issued in 2018, 2020, and 2021. Phase II will address renovations for separation of species, inadequate ventilation surfaces not impervious to moisture, slab repair, additional square footage for dog and cat housing, and if funding is available fencing and gate replacement for dog kennels. This phase also will address ADA Barrier renovations to meet international ADA code requirements.
The facility is located at 8315 Byrum Drive, near the airport. This facility is just under 30 years old and the renovations required are a direct response to the NCDA&CS inspection reports. Also, the project will incorporate renovations to address ADA barriers in the facility, such as door hardware, signs, plumbing, minor parking lot curbing, etc.
CMPD background checks will be required for all construction staff, vendors, and anyone occupying the site during construction and deliveries.
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