City Wide / General Services
Posting Number 08 2021-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CTW-1218
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-08-17
Commodity Code(s): 91803, 94846, 94847, 94855, 94873, 94874, 95205, 96130, 96148, 99070, 99253
Solicitation Link:
The City employs 7,500 + diverse employees in more than twenty-one (21) Departments. The City is seeking Companies who provide various Onboarding Services for its workforce. These services shall include, but not limited to:
This RFP consolidates several separate solicitations into one, so the City shall award to multiple Companies to meet their Onboarding needs. Companies can submit a proposal for multiple Services or a single Service. Proposals should address how the Company would meet the requirements listed below. All City Departments may utilize the Services.
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