Aviation / Construction
Posting Number 04 2024-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-13941
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-04-15
Commodity Code(s): 91066, 91473
Solicitation Link: https://www.charlottenc.gov/Growth-and-Development/Doing-Business/Contract-Opportunities/4900-West-Blvd.-Roof-Replacement
This solicitation request is to complete removal of existing roofing membrane, insulation, flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters, and downspouts, repair and/or replacement of rusted and/or deteriorated metal deck, and the installation of new insulation, cover board, 60 mil TPO membrane and associated flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters and downspouts. Contractor must also provide temporary protection of contents in the building and cleanup of debris associated with removals. The roof has exceeded the expected lifespan and is currently 30+ years old. No Badging requirements, no restriction on work hours,
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