Rozzelles Ferry Pedscape

This project will provide new pedestrian refuge medians, new sidewalk, new wheelchair ramps, landscaping with street trees, drainage improvements, and street resurfacing. Project length is 0.706 Miles.

State Street Ped Crossing

This project will install a new pedestrian crossing that will connect the current Stewart Creek Greenway to the proposed Stewart Creek Greenway along State Street. Signs and high visible markings will be installed. The project length is 120 feet.

State St. Ped Improvement

This project will provide new sidewalk, curb and gutter, drainage improvements, landscaping with Street trees, street resurfacing, and traffic calming bulb outs with small maturing trees in key locations.The project length is 0.468 Miles.

I 77 West Trade Underpass

This project will provide new sidewalk, curb and gutter, drainage improvements, landscaping with Street trees, Pedestrian lighting, artwork, a decorative retaining wall, brick pavers with benches.The project length is 0.2 Miles.

Five Points Plaza

This project will provide a new public plaza with a splash pad, amphitheater, swings, tables and chairs, solar powered pavers, pedestrian lighting and electrical outlets in key locations.New sidewalk and drainage improvements.Project Length is 0.1 Mile

25th Street

The project limits are from N. Davidson to N. Brevard and will connect 25th Street over Little Sugar Creek via a bridge. It will add curb, gutter, sidewalk, planting strips, street lights, street trees, These improvements will improve accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists, and by providing vehicular connections to the 25th Street Station.