The Project consists of the design and construction of a gravity outfall along Beaverdam Creek West Branch. This outfall is a tributary to the existing Beaverdam Creek Lift Station and Force Main. Phase 2 is approximately 2,000 linear feet of pipe and will continue from the anticipated Phase 1 West Blvd extension north to a terminus near I-485. This project will accommodate economic growth in the River One area by expanding the wastewater collection system.
FY25 Subsurface Utility Locating Services
This contract will be for the subsurface utility locates associated with miscellaneous projects, from identifying infrastructure around our existing water and sewer lines to assisting in planning for future water and sewer projects. The contract will be used on an as-needed basis, shared between all engineering divisions of Charlotte Water. This will cover Charlotte Water’s entire service area.
Interbasin Transfer Modification Project
Charlotte Water is soliciting Statement of Qualifications from a qualified engineering firm to conduct a comprehensive environmental impact assessment and prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with applicable regulations and guidelines. The scope of work shall include, but is not limited to, identifying scope alternatives that would provide for long term water supply to the Rocky River portion of the CLTW service area. Also, identifying potential environmental impacts, including secondary and cumulative impacts associated with the proposed IBT modification and identified alternatives. The selected Firm shall have relevant experience in developing Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) within the realm of water resources, supply, and use. Preferably the Firm will have experience in development of EIS related specifically to interbasin transfer of water related to the regulatory requirements of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ).
Preventative Maintenance and Repair of Small Emergency Generators-Cancelled
Charlotte Water will be accepting proposals through RFP for maintenance and repair services for small emergency generators. Scope of services include preventative maintenance, annual preventative maintenance and repair services.
Mass Notification System Maintenance & Repair Services
Charlotte Water is seeking Proposals for a Company(ies) to provide Services for two (2) types of Mass Notification System Maintenance and Repair Services: Scheduled Services and On-Call Services.
All work locations will be at water treatment facilities and remote pumping stations within the Charlotte Water service area, which includes the City of Charlotte city limits, unincorporated City areas, and some towns in Mecklenburg County.
Commercial and Private Plumbing Services
Charlotte Water is seeking proposals for Company(ies) to provide Plumbing Services for private property owners and commercial owners who are rate payers. Occasionally there is a need for a Company to provide plumbing service on or prior to a Charlotte Water construction project.
Hydraulic Modeling and Baseline Capacity Analysis Update-Cancelled
The purpose of this work is to provide modeling support to Charlotte Water (CLTWater) for the Capacity Assurance Program. The tasks involved include updating models for specific basins, revising baseline available capacities for those same basins, conducting individual capacity analyses as directed by CLTWater, and providing additional support services.
Cancelled as of 9/18
Field Surveying Services (Geographic Information Systems Group and Capacity Assurance Program)
This opportunity involves providing survey services to support Charlotte Water’s GIS and Capacity Assurance Programs, including the following tasks:
- Review available data and consult with the city to clarify and define the city’s requirements.
- Obtain necessary information, conduct investigations, and make reasonable efforts for the Surveyor to become familiar with the philosophy and purpose of each project.
- Identify and analyze requirements from governmental authorities with jurisdiction and assist the city in obtaining the required approvals.
Calcium Nitrate
Charlotte Water, a department of the City of Charlotte, is issuing an Invitation to Bid to supply calcium nitrate.