This project will install approximately 1.53 miles of 36 count single‐mode fiber optic cable installed in new directionally bored, hand dug and trenched conduit, existing conduit and aerial attachments to poles. This project includes entrances and interconnect equipment for four existing traffic control cabinets and the installation of four traffic management cameras. The project limits are East Boulevard beginning at Queens Road West to Euclid Avenue. This project also includes fiber splicing, testing, Ethernet equipment communications, and traffic management cameras and equipment.
Spectrum Center Traffic Control – CANCELLED
DUPLICATE of “Traffic Control Services”
The City of Charlotte provides direct traffic control and logistical support for the Spectrum Center which is host to an estimated 125 sporting, music, business, and other events a year. To reduce visitor risk, increase visitor return rates and minimize oversight and recurring management of City staff, the City has determined that a Traffic Control Plan, and a Company to perform portions of this plan are necessary for select events. During the last year, the City and current Company have provided this support for over 69 events. The selected Company shall be the sole provider of traffic control services for the Spectrum Center and designated areas around the Spectrum Center.
Snow and Ice Removal –DUPLICATE
The City of Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) is responsible for the removal of snow and ice on City maintained streets. Additional resources are needed to clear streets during extraordinary winter weather events. Contractors provide additional dump truck and plowing equipment with licensed operators to supplement City services.
Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) Cloud Services
The City of Charlotte (City) strives to improve arterial operations and enhance safety at signalized intersections throughout the City by deploying an Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) system. The City is seeking to procure a commercially available, off-the-shelf ATSPM system to connect to all online signalized intersections (~780 intersections). Additionally, the City is looking for a partner that would be willing to work with the City to develop a performance metric to track the success of our Signal Control Priority citywide for our emergency vehicles and transit vehicles to help track performance of the system.
Shared Mobility (E-Scooter) Program Permit
The City of Charlotte is seeking qualifications for up to four (4) companies to safely and responsibly operate a Shared Mobility System (fleet of e-scooters) within the City of Charlotte in accordance with the Shared Mobility System Requirements.
Pavement Marking Materials
The Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) maintains 690,000 linear feet of pavement markings throughout the City annually, including center lines, lane lines, edge lines, crosswalks and stop bars, and approximately 850 pavement arrows. A solicitation will be issued for thermoplastic pavement marking materials, including paint, granular materials, and pre-formed pavement markers. All material must meet the 2018 NC Department of Transportation Section 1087 specifications. The contract established will be for three years with two (2) one-year renewal options.
Charlotte Vision Zero Community Engagement Consulting Services
The City of Charlotte is seeking a firm to provide broad community engagement programming and direction to the Vision Zero Task Force and Vision Zero Program. The selected firm is expected to become familiar with the City’s Vision Zero Action Plan and the concepts of Vision Zero to identify ways to leverage messaging across communication modes to reach populations impacted most severely by fatal and serious injury crashes particularly those that are culturally, multilingual, generational and socio-economic diverse.
Household Travel Diary Survey
Collection of Household Travel Diary and supplement with passive data.
Blank Out Signs and Traffic Components
The City of Charlotte maintains a large and modern traffic signal system and has for many years used standardized materials and equipment. This system is complex and requires dedicated maintenance and oversight management to ensure that it functions as necessary. This solicitation is being issued to establish contracts for the purchase of Blank Out Signs, Traffic Loop Sealant and Pedestrian Signal Housings. All materials and equipment used to maintain this system are required to be interchangeable and function with the existing infrastructure.