Mallard Creek Road Intelligent Transportation System Project

The Mallard Creek Road ITS Project includes the installation of approximately 0.65 miles of fiber optic cable in new directionally bored and trenched conduit and aerial attachments to wood utility poles. This project includes the installation of 1 owner furnished traffic management camera. This project also includes fiber splicing and testing. The project limits are from Medical Plaza to Governor Hunt Drive in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC.

Underpass Street Lighting Contract

The Contractor (Company) shall inspect, repair, and maintain the underpass lighting at project locations as well as evaluate and install new lights at given locations as directed by the City.  The Contractor shall pursue the work diligently with workmen in sufficient numbers, abilities, and supervision and with equipment, materials, and methods of maintenance and installation as may be required to complete the work described in these special provisions.

The Contractor shall notify the City if at any one location lighting fixtures are consistently vandalized or damaged and recommend solutions to prevent future damages from occurring.  The Contractor shall also notify the City of any graffiti and trash on and around surrounding bridge abutments.

The contractor shall have the proper license(s) to perform the electrical work of this contract, in accordance with Article 4 of Chapter 87 of the North Carolina General Statutes (Licensing of Electrical Contractors).

The contractor shall inspect twice a month (approximately 26 times per year), repair, and maintain the underpass lighting at the following locations:

  1. 500 Block of West Morehead beneath Southern Railway Bridge
  2. 500 Block of West Fourth Street beneath Southern Railway Bridge
  3. 600 Block of West Trade Street beneath Southern Railway Bridge
  4. 600 Block of West Fifth Street beneath Southern Railway Bridge
  5. 600 Block of West Sixth Street beneath Southern Railway Bridge
  6. 900 Block of North Tryon Street beneath Seaboard Airline Railway Bridge
  7. 1200 Block of North Tryon Street beneath Seaboard Airline Railway Bridge
  8. 7800 Block of Fairview Road over McMullen Creek
  9. Third Street at Trolley Underpass
  10. Fourth Street at Trolley Underpass
  11. Trade Street at Trolley Underpass
  12. Matheson Street Bridge over Davidson
  13. 800 Block of South McDowell Street at I-277
  14. 800 Block of North Graham Street at I-277
  15. 4100 Block of Raleigh St. at East Sugarcreek Road
  16. 800 Block of East Sugarcreek Road at Bearwood Avenue
  17. 900 Block of West Blvd at I-77

The Contractor shall pursue the work diligently with workmen in sufficient numbers, abilities, and supervision. The Contractor will also use the appropriate equipment, materials, and methods of maintenance as may be required to complete the work as described in this Request for Quotation.

The Contractor shall notify the City if specific locations are consistently vandalized or damaged and recommend solutions to prevent future damages from occurring. The Contractor shall also notify the City of any graffiti and excessive trash on and/or around the surrounding bridge abutments.

The City reserves the right to add lights at underpasses through Capital Improvement Projects or as needed under this contract.  In these cases, the City of Charlotte will consult with the Contractor through the design phase to select a fixture type(s) that is maintainable.  After the construction of the given project, the lights at the new location(s) would then be included under the services of this contract.

Unspecified Traffic Signal Installation and Maintenance FY2023B

This contract is for Task Order based new Traffic Signal Installations and modifications to existing Traffic Signals at several intersections and roadways that are maintained by the City of Charlotte and North Carolina Department of Transportation on an “as needed” basis. This contract also includes fiber-optic cable installation, splicing and testing.

Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model – Technical Support

The City of Charlotte, serving as Model Custodian of the Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model, is releasing this listing to engage a qualified firm for the purpose of technical support for the next update to the simplified tour-based Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model (MRM). The work may involve tasks including, but not limited to:
• Technical assistance and guidance in developing household travel surveys designed to capture tour-based travel, with the potential to supplement with big data.
• Technical assistance and guidance with tour model estimation using travel survey data.
• Technical assistance and guidance with tour model calibration and validation.
• Technical assistance and guidance in developing a tour-based mode choice model (to include coordination with and endorsement by Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) and FTA.
• Additional model development guidance and assistance as needed.

Bike Charlotte Event Planning & Management Services- CANCELLED

BIKE! Charlotte is the signature program produced by the City of Charlotte to promote bicycling in Charlotte.  With this program the city aims to highlight our existing bicycle culture and provide opportunities for people, who are not regular bicyclists, to participate in bicycle rides, educational programs, and other events during the duration of BIKE! Charlotte.

In order to provide a wide range of events and programs during BIKE! Charlotte the consultant will work with community members and organizations to encourage and facilitate their participation in BIKE! Charlotte.  The contractor will solicit and schedule community run and organized events to be added to the Bike Charlotte Program; Design and implement City events; Coordinate and implement marketing activities for Bike Charlotte


Catch Basins, Grates, Frames, and Hoods

The city installs and maintains road drainage structures within the right-of-way to prevent flooding and water ponding on streets. Catch basins, grates, frames, and hoods are necessary to collect runoff from the roadway
and direct it to the stormwater collection systems. The scope of this contract would be for the furnishing and delivery of catch basins, grates, frames & hoods used by the Charlotte Department of Transportation, Street Maintenance Division.

Portland Cement

The Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT), Street Maintenance Division (SMD) is seeking to contract with a vendor(s) to provide Portland Type I/II Cement. All materials provided would be delivered (blow filled into silo or tanker) by the successful Bidder to a specified job site(s) or picked up at the successful Bidder’s plant by city-owned vehicles. 

Portland Cement must meet the following specifications:
AASHTO M 85 for Type I or Type II or ASTM C l 50 Standard Specification for
Portland Cement

Traffic Sign Installation Services

The City is seeking bids from qualified vendors to install traffic signs within the city limits. This request for proposals is to select a qualified vendor for the installation of street signs. It is the City’s objective to select multiple vendors based on the request for proposals for a three-year contract. The contract will have fixed pricing with possible annual price increases.

The installation of traffic signs will follow methods that are set in the 2018 NCDOT Standard Specification 900, 903, & 904.

While the City is flexible with respect to certain elements of the Traffic Sign Installation Services, the City has specific requirements and preferences for the Service delivery method.

Median Object Markers – Re-Bid

Median Object Markers are installed throughout the City by the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT).   These markers give clear indications of separations of lanes and the location of roadway medians on City streets.  The markers are bolted into asphalt or concrete to assist with traffic flow by providing clarity of lane locations in highly congested areas for both daytime and nighttime driving.

The solicitation is to establish a contract to purchase the Median Object Markers and the necessary hardware, for two years with the option to renew for three additional one-year terms.