The chosen vendor will provide a segmented inventory of the following transportation assets.
- City-maintained roadways.
- Traffic control signs and supports on selected state and all city roadways.
- Pavement markings on selected state and all city roadways.
- Sidewalks and accessible ramps on city roadways
- Other vertical elements within the roadway such as tubular delineators, curbing, medians etc.
A condition analysis of the assets will be included with the inventory The analysis will provide a database of information that will be utilized for work management as well as emergency services during hazardous conditions.
The vendor will provide separate ESRI geodatabases with each asset category. Specific table schemas for each asset will be determined prior to data collection.
This is a contract to install pavement markings on a list of city streets. The work includes, Thermoplastic, Polyurea, and Cold Applied Plastic markings.
This contract provides traffic control and logistical support services for events hosted at the Spectrum Center Arena.
The City of Charlotte vendor will provide Services that consist of the removal of concrete tripping hazards from sidewalks, curb ramps, and concrete curbing in the City of Charlotte’s sidewalk system that the City or its agents have identified. The identified concrete tripping hazards will be repaired without use of typical destructive construction methods, i.e. panel demolition and replacement. All work produced shall be compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requirements for slope and Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements for traction. Tripping hazards are defined as any change in vertical elevation more than 1/4”. The vendor is responsible for all traffic control in accordance with the most recent Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (“WATCH”), which can be found at Any debris resulting from the removal of trip hazards shall be disposed of in a legal manner.
While the City is flexible with respect to certain elements of the Citywide Trip Hazard Removal Services, the City has specific requirements and preferences for the Service delivery method.
The City of Charlotte vendor shall identify and repair the trip and fall hazards that are ¼” to 2 ½” in height in the City of Charlotte’s sidewalk system. The City of Charlotte vendor shall repair hazards greater than 2 ½” where the thickness of the concrete is greater than 4″.
The City of Charlotte (the “City”) is seeking proposals from qualified firm(s) for the design, fabrication, installation, and operation of digital kiosks in the public right-of-way. The kiosks will be primarily located on sidewalks, and other public areas as approved by the City, and serve the following public purposes, at a minimum:
- Wayfinding – providing information to civic and cultural institutions, transit amenities, restaurants, retail and other business
- Transit information – providing information on transit routes and schedule options
- Public information and emergency messaging – serving as a central dissemination point for information
- Increased vibrancy and visual interest of City streets – promoting placemaking in Charlotte through City events and programming
- Create a supportive environment for retail and entertainment commerce – furthering economic development within our community
- Enhance visitor experience and brand perception of Charlotte – advancing Charlotte’s narrative and brand perception to residents and visitors alike
- Accessibility, usability and inclusion – creating a welcoming and inclusive technology for our community at large
This contract will be for fiber optic cable physical locating, marking, and positive responses to NC811 of CDOT’s underground infrastructure as required by the Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act, Article 8A of Chapter 87 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Work provided under this contract is to supplement CDOT’s current in-house locates unit and will cover the city of Charlotte limits.
This project consists of street resurfacing and its associated functions throughout the City of Charlotte. Resurfacing is not limited geographically as the possibility exists for paving to be performed anywhere within the city. The project includes traffic control, asphalt and concrete pavement milling, asphalt paving, base failure repair, asphalt surface treatment, utility adjustments, manhole frame and cover replacements, wheelchair ramp installation, sidewalk, curb repairs, bike program elements, and pavement markings.
Cloud-based current and historical transportation data with an interactive dashboard for the three-county CRTPO region. It should include at minimum origin-destination flow data, trip characteristics and metrics, speed and travel time data, congestion data, and traffic volumes, and it should provide this data by time of day and for personal vehicles, commercial trucks, transit, and non-motorized modes.
CRTPO: Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization