Wide Body Gate Upgrades – CANCELLED

SOW  Upgrading gates for Transportation Services.

Cancelled – This project was consolidated into the Private Access Drive – Construction project.

Relocation of West Boulevard (NC 160) (Construction)

The West Boulevard Project includes the construction of approximately 1.2 miles of the future West Blvd by realigning existing Byrum Drive and existing Piney Top Drive from the intersection of Steele Creek Road and West Blvd to the intersection of West Blvd and Piney Top Drive.  The Project includes construction of a new intersection of proposed West Blvd and Byrum Drive and a new intersection of proposed West Blvd and Piney Top Drive.  Disciplines will include roadway, hydraulics, erosion control, signals, traffic management, pavement marking, signing, utility design, and utility relocation.  Existing portions of West Blvd between Steele Creek Road and Piney Top Drive will be removed as part of a separate project.

4th Parallel Runway Runway Package 1: Taxiway V and Connectors

The first phase of constructing the Fourth Parallel Runway at CLT is the southward extension of existing Taxiway V and construction of related connector taxiways.  The project includes demolition, erosion and sedimentation control, grading, drainage, airfield concrete and asphalt paving, marking, fencing, and airfield lighting/signage.  The new taxiway will meet FAA Taxiway Design Group (TDG) 5 requirements.

Yorkmont Road & Taxiway Bridge – Construction

This is the second of three bid packages for the Deicing Pad, Taxiway Foxtrot (TXWY F) Extension, and South Crossfield Taxiway (South Cross Field ) program.  This project is compromised of the realignment of Yorkmont Road including a roundabout which is necessitated by and including the construction of an aircraft taxiway bridge over Yorkmont Road.

Private Access Drive (Construction)

This is one of seven bid packages within the North End Around Taxiway Program. The construction of the Private Access Drive includes constructing approximately 3,700 feet of a two-lane roadway from the existing traffic roundabout adjacent to the Fuel Farm, along the Long Term 1 Parking Lot and Duke Energy property line and connecting to Wilkinson Boulevard with a redesigned intersection at Barry drive.  This project includes utility relocations, roadway lighting, drainage, new water main and additional parking areas within Long Term 1. The purpose of this project is to construct a new access drive along the western edge of Long Term #1 parking lot to allow Long Term #1 exiting customers access to Wilkinson Blvd as well as access for terminal deliveries and Gate 80 traffic. This work will include roadway, storm drainage, traffic signal, fiber installation, parking lot, water and sewer relocation, and landscaping. The project will include work on Charlotte (CLT) owned property as well as NCDOT owned facilities. Completion of this project allows CLT Airport to take a portion of Old Dowd road out of service for North End Around Taxiway improvements.

Airport Overlook Construction (Cancelled)

One of seven bid packages within the North End Around Taxiway Program. The construction of the relocated overlook site will include a parking lot layout, as well as sidewalks, access roadway, landscaping, and restroom facilities.

North End Around Taxiway Pavement and Lighting – (Cancelled)

One of seven bid packages within the North End Around Taxiway Program. This work includes the construction of the North End Around Taxiway (NEAT) to make it fully operational.  Major work items in this package include minor grading, concrete taxiway paving, related airfield lighting, pavement markings and signage