Fix Base Operations (FBO) Fuel Line Repair and Replacement – CANCELLED

Remove existing fiberglass reinforced plastic pipe and install new steel jet fuel piping from FBO tank farm to fueling cabinets on the FBO ramp.  Most removal will be direct excavation.  The removed material is anticipated to need environmental disposal off-site.  New material will be required to fill the trench after a new pipe is placed.  Some directional boring is required under the taxiway.


(Duplicate Entry Cancel)

North End Around Taxiway Early Cabling Project has been combine – CANCELLED

One of seven remaining bid packages within the North End Around Taxiway Program. The construction of the NEAT Early Cabling Project provides for temporary direct-buried power cables from the existing power transformer at the existing RW 36C Approach Localizer Emergency Generator to the existing transformer at the existing Runway 18C Approach Glideslope Shelter in locations with minimal impacts from the proposed NEAT 1st Package construction within the NEAT program.

Ramp D&E Dual Taxi Lanes

This airfield construction project is to expand portions of the ramp to provide the capability to taxi two aircraft simultaneously around the east perimeter of Concourses D and E. Work includes but is not limited to pavement demolition, grading, airfield PCC pavement section, asphalt shoulders, airfield marking, and airfield electrical.

Carolina Aviation Museum Hangar Restoration – CANCELLED

This project’s purpose is to provide a ‘shell restoration’ of the Historic 1938 Aircraft Hangar located on CLT property and will include adaptive reuse of the hangar to maintain the local historic designation and bring the structure up to code making it shell space ready for future interior upfit.

Carolina Aviation Museum Sitework

This project consists of site preparation for the future development of the Carolinas Aviation Museum. Specific work includes demolition of existing facilities, earthwork, grading, utility installation, associated asphalt, concrete masonry work, landscaping, and other miscellaneous items.

North End Around Taxiway Grading and Drainage

One of seven remaining bid packages within the North End Around Taxiway Program. This package includes the major grading, drainage, utility, and NAVAIDS relocations required by the NEAT.  The modifications to the NAVAIDS include a localizer relocation, modifications to multiple MALSR light stations, new NAVAID shelters and the relocation of an ASOS. These include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) Runway 36C Localizer; (ii) Runway 18C Medium Intensity Approach Light System (MALSR); (iii) Runway 18C Precision Approach Path Indicator (PAPI).  These relocations will require full communication (fiber) connections to the airport fiber system and back-up power.

Condenser Water Loop System – Concourse E- Phase 9 – Sycamore Brewing & PDQ

The purpose of this contract is to build a complete Condenser Water Loop as designed by AME Consulting Engineers. The system will be designed using a shell and tube heat exchanger connected to the Airport’s Central Chiller Plant, chilled water piping, to provide tempered condenser water for the food concessions, water-cooled, condensing units on walk-in cooler and freezers. Contract term 90 days.

Vacant Parcel / Brush mowing

Provide Brush mow maintenance of city owned parcels, trash removal, minor trimming, landscaping and similar work. The work covered by this project consists of all labor, equipment and performing of all operations necessary to bush hog and otherwise maintain vacant land, fields, drainage areas or otherwise unoccupied land. Work may occur around areas with buildings to
be demolished, construction areas, vacated parking lots, road shoulders or other areas that may present unique hazards. Areas may be sloped, rough terrain or flat ground. Contractor is required to provide all safety operations such as lane closures, signage or similar to create a safe work zone for their staff and limit impacts to traffic or operations around the site. All lane closures will be coordinated in advance with airport representative.