Add a small addition onto concourse E of approximately 4,350-7,150sf for offices. Base bid will be a 4,350sf addition with 2ea add alternates to add a 1,400sf bay/ea alternate for a potential maximum of 7,150sf. This area to be shell space, divided into 2 separate tenant spaces. Divider wall will be designed and installed to separate the two separate tenant spaces. Location of proposed addition is on the west side of concourse E between the employee turnstile and aircraft envelope E4.
CLT VoiP Migration
The primary goal of this project is to upgrade the existing telecommunications infrastructure at the airport from copper Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) lines to a more advanced, efficient Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) system. This transition is aimed at addressing the current limitations of the outdated system, which include lack of modern communication features and inefficiency in handling the airport’s operational demands.
Main Terminal Air Handling Unit Replacements: AHU-6, AHU-49
The scope of this project is to replace AHU-6 and AHU-49 with new AHUs. New controls, ductwork, associated VAV’s and piping will be installed as part of a complete unit replacement. Each AHU replacement will require a detailed construction phasing process to ensure limited system downtime. Temporary AHUs will be installed as needed during the equipment replacement.
CEP Chiller 5 Expansion
The scope of this project is to connect one 2000-ton chiller (owner furnished and set on equipment pad) and corresponding mechanical equipment to the CEP. The addition of the chiller will also include the installation of one 2000-ton rooftop cooling tower, one chilled water pump, removal of existing filtration systems, new side filtration skids, and one condenser water pump. Existing structure and piping will be extended as needed to accommodate the installation of the listed equipment.
On-Call Window Washing Services
The scope of this contract shall be to provide window cleaning services through the Airport’s main terminal, business valet parking decks, daily parking decks, hourly parking deck, old terminal, and ramp tower. The services will include interior and exterior window cleaning on an “on-call” basis.
RFP AVIA 25-14 On-Call Painting
The Facilities Building Maintenance Division of the Aviation Department is responsible for maintaining a portfolio of approximately 115 buildings, airport terminal buildings, including offices, fire station, and equipment shops, that house various City activities.
The Airport is seeking a company that specializes in commercial painting services to provide painting services at various locations as identified by the City on an as needed basis. Services consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision for the painting and finishing of new and existing interior and exterior surfaces, i.e., walls, doors, jambs, window frames, and other work as directed by the Project Manager. Work areas may be occupied and require moving and repositioning of office equipment and furniture.
The City reserves the right to prepare an individual Scope of Work and require a proposal with complete breakdown of material, equipment, and labor cost for each project consistent with the prices submitted in e-Builder. The City reserves the right to furnish any and all equipment and/or supplies for projects. The City may solicit a quote for Services from one or more companies prior to assigning an individual project.
On-Call Painting Services – VOID
The Facilities Building Maintenance Division of the Aviation Department is
responsible for maintaining a portfolio of approximately 115 buildings, airport terminal buildings, including offices, fire station, and equipment shops, that house various City activities. The Airport is seeking a company that specializes in commercial painting services to provide painting services at various locations as identified by the City on an as needed basis. Services
consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision for the painting and finishing of new and existing interior and exterior surfaces, i.e., walls, doors, jambs, window frames, and other work as directed by the Project Manager.
Vehicle and Equipment Welding and Related Services
The City requires a company to work in conjunction with Fleet Management, the Airport and other city departments to provide Vehicle and Equipment Welding and Related Services to the City of Charlotte. The Company shall perform vehicle or equipment maintenance, repair, and modification through the provision of Vehicle and Equipment Welding and Related services for vehicles and equipment owned, operated, or maintained by the City.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and Upgrade
The project scope includes the installation of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) throughout the terminal and parking decks to enhance safety for passengers and employees. The AED Retrofit and Upgrade project will standardize signage, locations, and AED types deployed over the Airport campus. The goal is to make wall-mounted (Pedestal, Semi-Recessed and Surface Mount) AEDs more visible and accessible to passengers, employees, and first responders during medical emergencies. It includes replacing cabinets as needed, adding new cabinets through ongoing and future terminal projects, and installing cabinets in the existing parking decks.