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Welcome to EarlyBird, the City of Charlotte Business Opportunities Pipeline! This site is a comprehensive listing of Active and In Development contracting opportunities across all City of Charlotte departments. Projects can be searched using keywords, by commodity code, or using a variety of filters to narrow down opportunities your business may be interested in participating in. Click on the orange Requirements button on the Opportunity to see additional details about the project and specific requirements that may be helpful in preparing to participate in an upcoming solicitation. You can also “follow” a project using various social media channels to get notifications when the requirements are updated, or once the project moves from “In Development” to “Active” status.
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Opportunities per Page
Charlotte Water / Construction
Service Water Improvements and Flow Meter Modifications
Department of General Services / Construction
Lawyers Rd SW (Harri Ann to Chestnut)
The scope of this project will include 0.34 miles of new 6ft wide concrete sidewalk, driveway improvements, and wheelchair ramps on Lawyers Rd from Chestnut Lake Dr to Harri Ann Dr.
Charlotte Department of Transportation / General Services
Locating Services for the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT ... Locating Services for the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT)
This contract will be for fiber optic cable physical locating, marking, and positive responses to NC811 of CDOT’s underground infrastructure as required by the Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act, Article 8A of Chapter 87 of the North Carolina General Statutes. Work provided under this contract is to supplement CDOT’s current in-house locates unit and will cover the city of Charlotte limits.
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
CATS Facilities General Maintenance and Repair Services
CATS is looking to contract general maintenance and repair services for various mechanical and electrical systems. Contractor will need to be available at all times on an on-call basis. Preventative services, along with routine maintenance and repair, are required.
PSR # 1783
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
FTA 5310 FY23 Call for Projects
The Charlotte Area Transit System is seeking contractors for the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Grant Program (Section 5310). Section 5310 funds are available for capital and operating expenses to support transportation projects that meet the special transportation needs of seniors (individuals 65 years and older) and individuals with disabilities. All projects must be situated in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Urbanized area and must be derived from the Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan for the Charlotte Urbanized Area (FY2022-FY2027).
PSR # 1785
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
CATS On-Call Doors, Locks, Hardware Install & Repair
The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) anticipates contracting out the repair, installation, and supply of interior and exterior doors, locks, and hardware. CATS is responsible for security and controlled entry for a variety of municipal facilities, structures and assets with a range of uses including office, warehouse, storage, parking, and vehicle maintenance facilities. CATS operates on a 24/7/365 basis and requires 24-hour emergency repair services, as well as the ability to provide additions and alterations to existing and new locations on an ongoing basis.
PSR # 1780
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
CATS Pump Station Pit Cleaning
Pump Station Pit Cleaning and disposal services in Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS). The selected contractor will be responsible for the annual, optional, and emergency cleaning, removal, and disposal of material from pump station pits across various CATS Facilities. The scope of work includes specific equipment, safety, and disposal requirements.
PSR # 1781
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
Hoist and Crane Repair, Services, and Training
The general scope of the offered three-year (3 years) contract shall
be to perform basic OSHA inspections, safety inspections, full·
service preventive maintenance, repairs of Its hoist and crane
equipment, and training.
PSR # 1761
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
CATS Facilities Unit Paving and Repair
Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is looking to contract out unit paving and repair services focusing on the following:
PSR # 1782
Charlotte Department of Transportation / Technology Goods & Services
Big Data Transportation Services
Cloud-based current and historical transportation data with an interactive dashboard for the three-county CRTPO region. It should include at minimum origin-destination flow data, trip characteristics and metrics, speed and travel time data, congestion data, and traffic volumes, and it should provide this data by time of day and for personal vehicles, commercial trucks, transit, and non-motorized modes.
CRTPO: Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization
Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
CATS Commercial Container Waste Management Collection
Waste Removal and Container Rental Services – The Company shall provide Charlotte Area Transit System with collection of disposal services for its non-hazardous waste and cardboard recyclables and provides rental containers at (5) Charlotte Area Transit System locations throughout Mecklenburg County. The Company is responsible for providing container rental, waste collection and disposal services of Waste and Recyclables for Charlotte Area Transit System. Each location may have multiple waste container requirements and service requirements.
PSR # 1757
Charlotte Department of Transportation / Construction
Guardrail Installation & Repairs
This contract is for GUARDRAIL INSTALLATION & REPAIRS ON VARIOUS ROADS, AS NEEDED, UPON REQUEST IN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. The Engineer and or designee will designate maintenance and repair of guardrail at various locations in the city. The maintenance and repair of guardrail throughout the city will vary on the amount of existing or damaged guardrail on each route and should take this into consideration when submitting the bid. During maintenance and/or repair of damaged sections of guardrail, the contractor shall replace all needed components of guardrail as directed by the Engineer and stabilize existing guardrail and appurtenances at the site. All work and materials shall be in accordance with the provisions of the General Guidelines of this contract, the Project Special Provisions, the North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures, January 2024, the North Carolina Department of Transportation Roadway Standard Drawings, January 2024, and the current edition of the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
This project includes significant improvements to the existing service water system at the Franklin Water Treatment Plant. The scope of work involves the replacement of existing pumps, piping, valves, and backflow devices within the service water system. Additionally, new flow meters will be installed on the Franklin Water Treatment Plant service water system, while existing flow meters on the filter effluent lines at the Lee S. Dukes Water Treatment Plant will also be replaced. These upgrades are expected to enhance the accuracy of flow measurements and improve the efficiency of the service water system.