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Welcome to EarlyBird, the City of Charlotte Business Opportunities Pipeline! This site is a comprehensive listing of Active and In Development contracting opportunities across all City of Charlotte departments. Projects can be searched using keywords, by commodity code, or using a variety of filters to narrow down opportunities your business may be interested in participating in. Click on the orange Requirements button on the Opportunity to see additional details about the project and specific requirements that may be helpful in preparing to participate in an upcoming solicitation. You can also “follow” a project using various social media channels to get notifications when the requirements are updated, or once the project moves from “In Development” to “Active” status.
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Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
The McDaniel Ln 6028 Project
Charlotte Department of Transportation / General Services
Spectrum Center Traffic Control Services
This contract provides traffic control and logistical support services for events hosted at the Spectrum Center Arena.
Department of General Services / General Services
Heavy Duty Truck Cab-Chassis Repair Services
The City of Charlotte requires a qualified heavy equipment dealer and general service provider to work in conjunction with the Fleet Management Division to support the city’s fleet comprising various makes, model years and commercial truck classifications. The services for this requirement include but are not limited to repair, replacement, maintenance, diagnostic, warranty repair and representation related services for heavy trucks with classifications ranging from 6-8.
Department of General Services / General Services
Fleet Towing Services
The city’s Fleet Management division provides maintenance services for vehicles and special equipment for city departments and Mecklenburg County. Towing services are needed to transport and recover disabled vehicles and special equipment, provide support to the city as needed during inclement weather, and assist during special events. Services will be provided for various types of vehicles and equipment, including, but not limited to: sedans, SUVs, medium – and heavy-duty trucks, fire apparatus, police cars, and construction equipment.
Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Blackmon Storm Drainage Improvement Project
This project involves analysis of existing conditions to determine portions of the storm drainage system needing improvement, planning analysis of improvement alternatives, and design and construction of needed improvements.
The Blackmon Street Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Sampson Street to the north, Hoskins Road to the south, Ridgeley Drive to the east, and Sampson Street.
The need for this project was identified through citizen reported drainage requests including road flooding and complaints of finished floor (structure) flooding.
The purpose of the project will be to improve the storm drainage infrastructure to reduce flooding of streets and structures.
Department of General Services / Architectural / Engineering Services
Professional Engineering Services for Transportation Projects
The Engineering Services Division of the Department of General Services (GS) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering companies (Company) to provide the following three main components for this solicitation and interested parties may choose to be considered for any or all:
• Embedded Consultant Project Management staff: Primary responsibilities include reviewing project deliverables and the overall project management duties as normally performed by city Project Managers. The consultant must certify designs as a North Carolina Professional Engineer or defer this to the project engineer. QA/QC staff should have experience in designing and preparing construction plans for transportation projects and will oversee the work of Project Engineers and/or consultant designers on assigned projects and be directly responsible for ensuring projects are delivered on-schedule and within the allocated budget.
• Embedded Project Engineer staff: Primarily responsible for completing designs for an average of 4-10 projects per year, depending on size and scope. They will be the engineer of record for designs of varying sizes and will report directly to city or consultant Project Management Staff.
• Miscellaneous Planning and Design Services: The City of Charlotte is seeking assistance from qualified Transportation Consulting firms to provide transportation planning and transportation engineering on “on-call” basis. The on-call contract will provide a flexible and effective way for the city to respond to recurring consultant service needs covering a range of multi-dimensional transportation engineering and planning tasks. The flexible on-call consultant service contracts with qualified transportation firms will help meet the needs of the city. Each firm selected for an on-call contract will be required to enter into a master agreement with the city. This master agreement will fulfill the consultant solicitation and selection process for the work to be performed under the on-call contract.
Charlotte Department of Transportation / General Services
Pavement Markings, Thermoplastic Pavement Markings
The pavement markings and line removal will be performed on roadways maintained by the City of Charlotte and the North Carolina Department of Transportation. This is a construction-based contract for planned roadways, with a list provided to the contractor prior to bid submittal. |
City Manager's Office / General Services
Grant Administration for Artists, Creatives, and Collaboration
The City is seeking a partner to serve as the lead agency to develop, support, and administer grant funds for the City’s Art and Culture department. Proposals should include and demonstrate:
Applicants should develop a timeline that ensure all funds are disbursed by June 30, 2025.
Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Rhodes SDIP
Rhodes SDIP is a minor bid project that was created to address the service request at 3738 Rhodes and is located on the City project dashboard.
Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
The Shade Valley Pond Repairs Project
The Shade Valley Pond Repairs project was initiated in order to relieve the City of significant efforts and costs of ongoing pond maintenance. Proposed improvements to the pond are intended to address nuisance vegetation, increase storage capacity, address geese issues, and enhance the overall aesthetics of the pond. Goals are to restore pond to “below normal pool” volumes via dredging of forebay and main pool to increase water quality function and remove available nutrients contributing to duckweed and algal blooms. The entirety of the pond and littoral shelf will be replanted with wetland plantings and trees to enhance aesthetics and decrease attractiveness of pond to geese. Geese preventative measures are proposed to establish plantings.
Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Projects Series AJ
Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Projects Series AJ will involve 6 projects throughout the City of Charlotte, 1614 Lombardy Circle, 2033 Teddington Drive, 2316 Kilborne Drive, 10513 Moss Mill Lane, 435 Norwood Drive, and 5447 Kerry Glen Lane. These projects will consist of reinforced concrete pipe replacement and realignment. The project pipe will consist of a range of different sizes from 15 inch to 36 inch as well as some elliptical pipe. These projects will also consist of CIPP liner, storm drainage structure replacement, non-standard endwalls, full depth asphalt, curb and gutter, concrete driveway, foundation assessment, foundation protection, boulder toe, soil lifts, and watermain replacement.
Charlotte Storm Water Services / Construction
Morning Dale Storm Drainage Improvement Project
The Morning Dale Storm Drainage Improvement Project will reduce street and structure flooding throughout the neighborhood. Located within a drainage area of approximately 560 acres, the project will replace and/or rehabilitate aging infrastructure and provide adequate drainage system capacity. This project area is bordered by Hinson Drive to the north, Stratfordshire Drive to the south, Tadlock Place to the east and Morning Dale Road to the west.
The McDaniel Ln 6028 project consists of removing and replacing an existing storm drainage network in the Charlotte Hills Mobile Home Park. It currently has a preliminary estimate of 1.2million dollars.