Welcome to EarlyBird, the City of Charlotte Business Opportunities Pipeline! This site is a comprehensive listing of Active and In Development contracting opportunities across all City of Charlotte departments. Projects can be searched using keywords, by commodity code, or using a variety of filters to narrow down opportunities your business may be interested in participating in. Click on the orange Requirements button on the Opportunity to see additional details about the project and specific requirements that may be helpful in preparing to participate in an upcoming solicitation. You can also “follow” a project using various social media channels to get notifications when the requirements are updated, or once the project moves from “In Development” to “Active” status.

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  • Aviation
  • Charlotte Area Transit System
  • Charlotte Communications & Marketing
  • Charlotte Department of Transportation
  • Charlotte Fire Department
  • Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department
  • Charlotte Planning, Design & Development
  • Charlotte Storm Water Services
  • Charlotte Water
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Solicitation Category

  • Architectural / Engineering Services
  • Commodities & Goods
  • Construction
  • Construction Cost Estimating
  • General Services
  • Technology Goods & Services


  • SBE-Small Business Enterprise
  • DBE-Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
  • MBE-Minority Business Enterprise
  • WBE-Women Owned Business Enterprise

Expected Release Date

From Date

To Date

Estimated Total Value

  • $10,000 - 49,999
  • $50,000 - 99,999
  • $100,000 - 249,999
  • $250,000 - 499,999
  • $500,000 - 999,999
  • $1,000,000 -4,999,999
  • $5,000,000 - 9,999,999
  • $10,000,000+

Opportunities per Page

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Architectural / Engineering Services

D/E Connector (DECO) Expansion Project

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-17345
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-05-26
  • Last Updated: 03/06/25
Add to Calendar 2025-05-26 2025-05-26 D/E Connector (DECO) Expansion Project

The Project includes the renovation of the existing Concourses D & E Connector (DECO) and a building addition, totaling approximately 160,000 SF which includes:

  • Providing a service area at the Ramp Level to accommodate operational needs per the project program including freight, service and passenger elevators, concessions and club loading docks, and airport storage while maintaining current traffic patterns.
  • Repositioning and increasing the area of the major passenger circulation route of the D/E connector from the Atrium to the end of the moving walkways at the approach of Concourse D.
  • Relocating the existing airline club space from the Departures Level to a new Mezzanine Level location providing approximately 40,000sf for the new club.
  • Providing a new passenger destination and experience at the Departures Level approximately 51,000sf of new concessions and office space.
  • Providing a new Roof Level mechanical penthouse of approximately 9,000sf.
  • Relocating and upgrading utilities and jet fuel system impacted by the project.
  • Coordinating with the Terminal Life Safety project for egress, fire sprinklers, and voice evacuation
  • Accommodating the Terminal Operations, requiring coordination of Construction Activities as a 2nd priority to Passenger, Airline, Concession and Facility Operations.
    • Providing new signage and wayfinding, aligning with current CLT standards.
    • Providing a right of way for a future sterile corridor passing through the DECO project extents. Access to each end of the corridor will be provided under a separate project.

It is anticipated that the project will follow the City of Charlotte sustainability requirements and will be pursuing a Green Globes Certification.  It is anticipated that a Construction Manager will participate in Green Globe Project Survey and provide services required to achieve the Construction Activity Participation.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / General Services

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) Parking Staff and Valet ... Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) Parking Staff and Valet Services

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-17113
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-07-31
  • Last Updated: 03/06/25
Add to Calendar 2025-07-31 2025-07-31 Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) Parking Staff and Valet Services

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT”) is owned and operated by the City of Charlotte and is among the world’s busiest airports. CLT offers nonstop air service to more than 186 destinations around the globe and is home to eight major air carriers, 15 regional carriers, and three foreign flag carriers. CLT will be solicitating proposals for the Parking Staff and Valet  services.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Construction

Runway 18L/36R and Taxiway Delta Rehab Construction

  • Posting Number: 2026-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-17499
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2026-12-14
  • Last Updated: 03/06/25
Add to Calendar 2026-12-14 2026-12-14 Runway 18L/36R and Taxiway Delta Rehab Construction

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT”) intends to issue an Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) for the rehabilitation construction of Runway 18L/36R and Taxiway D.  The scope of this work will include but is not limited to asphalt milling, paving, airfield electrical work, and pavement makings.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Construction

Main Terminal Air Handling Unit Replacements: AHU-6, AHU-49

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q1(Jan-Mar)-AVI-17324
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-03-17
  • Last Updated: 03/05/25
Add to Calendar 2025-03-17 2025-03-17 Main Terminal Air Handling Unit Replacements: AHU-6, AHU-49

The scope of this project is to replace AHU-6 and AHU-49 with new AHUs. New controls, ductwork, associated VAV’s and piping will be installed as part of a complete unit replacement. Each AHU replacement will require a detailed construction phasing process to ensure limited system downtime. Temporary AHUs will be installed as needed during the equipment replacement.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Construction

Part 139 Remediation & Runway Redesignation

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-17228
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-08-25
  • Last Updated: 03/05/25
Add to Calendar 2025-08-25 2025-08-25 Part 139 Remediation & Runway Redesignation

The project includes markings and signage to support updating the Runway Nomenclature of CLT’s existing three parallel runways to support the construction of the Fourth Parallel Runway. The Runway Nomenclature updates will be planned under 3 different charting dates with FAA throughout the project that will be coordinated with the FAA charting schedule. The project will also include updates to existing taxiway marking, signage, lighting and paved shoulders.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / General Services

Succession Planning Framework and Related Consulting Services

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-17357
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-06-03
  • Last Updated: 03/05/25
Add to Calendar 2025-06-03 2025-06-03 Succession Planning Framework and Related Consulting Services

CLT is seeking proposals from capable consultants with expertise in delivering succession planning framework and related consulting services. This initiative pertains to pivotal roles including executive, directorial, and other vital positions, where seamless and effective personnel transitions are paramount to sustain operational efficiency. Leveraging existing internal talent to bridge transitional gaps and preserving indispensable operational insights, knowledge and procedures stand as imperative objectives for CLT. We seek a consultant who can deliver a practical and comprehensive succession plan that is realistic for our business and employee population and can be adapted as needed and maintained by CLT Staff.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Commodities & Goods


  • Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-17651
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-06-02
  • Last Updated: 03/03/25

Charlotte Douglas International Airport, request a proposal from a Fire Protection equipment service company. The contractor will provide scheduled annual, quarterly, three and five-year inspections, scheduled maintenance, and repairs for the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport facilities which consist of (36) building with approximately (207) individual fire protection systems and components. The systems include, foam generators, Foam/ water sprinkler systems, Wet and Dry sprinkler system risers, Pre-Action, Dry stand- pipe connections, FM200, and electrically powered fire pumps.

This agreement will be for a service company to provide for the annual, quarterly, 3 year, and 5 year testing and inspection of these systems per the NFPA 25 requirements. The service company must provide the annual testing and repair services to five Protect-o-wire fire detection control panel.

The Contractor must hold a State Fire Sprinkler license for the State of North Carolina or any other state, which are recognized by North Carolina’s state board of examiner for Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler contractors.


In Development charlotte water

Charlotte Water / Architectural / Engineering Services

McAlpine Preliminary and Primary Treatment Reliability

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CW-14159
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-06-20
  • Last Updated: 02/26/25
Add to Calendar 2025-06-20 2025-06-20 McAlpine Preliminary and Primary Treatment Reliability

This project provides design services to Charlotte Water. The project involves rehabilitation of Preliminary and Primary Treatment Facilities. Facilities generally include headworks, flow equalization basins, primary clarifiers, and gravity thickeners. A facilities evaluation, conducted by the design team, will determine the final scope of work.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Commodities & Goods, General Services

Water Treatment Chemical Services

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-14865
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-09-09
  • Last Updated: 02/24/25
Add to Calendar 2025-09-09 2025-09-09 Water Treatment Chemical Services

The scope of this contract shall be to provide water treatment chemicals
and to furnish all professional services and expertise to operate a water treatment chemical program which uses diffusion-based coating and membrane technology, referred to as the Smart Release Osmotic Membrane Chemical Feed System. The company shall provide all products and water treatment chemicals required to maintain two Central Chiller plants totaling 7165 tons of cooling and the new central energy plant, which has a total of 8000 tons of cooling, and will add a total volume of approximately 350,000 gallons of chilled water and approximately 110,000 gallons of hot water to the closed loops systems. The central energy plant will be coming on-line
in year three of the contract. The contract covers the building heating and air
conditioning open and closed water loops, the boiler closed loop and steam
condensate which consist of six boilers totaling 1225 (BHP) Boiler Horsepower. The Company will maintain these systems through an aggressive water treatment chemical program. The water treatment chemical program shall be a typical dual biocide program which consists of a scale and corrosion inhibitor with oxidizing and nonoxidizing biocides. The Scale/Corrosion inhibitor, the oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocide are to be Smart Release osmotic membrane products and shall be feed from separate smart release canister feeders.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Commodities & Goods

Ground Power Units

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-17222
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-05-01
  • Last Updated: 02/24/25
Add to Calendar 2025-05-01 2025-05-01 Ground Power Units

The Aviation Department of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (Owner) proposes to purchase a number of new 90KVA, 140Kva and 180Kva 400Hz Ground Power Units, 90Kva 400Hz/28Vdc Combination Units and 28Vdc Cart Mounted Ground Power Units (GPU) for the Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
1. The Contractor’s scope of work for this project will be to supply the GPU units, factory tested and crated for storage by the Owner. The Contractor will also provide training, initial start-up support, warranty support, as defined within this Specification.
2. The Owner will be responsible for installation of the GPU units, including any electrical or mechanical infrastructure modifications required for the Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) or any electrical service upgrades required to provide the necessary power to the face of the terminal building.
3. The Owner will be responsible to procure and install the necessary accessories (cable hoists, output cables, mounting materials and hardware) required to provide aircraft ground power from the GPU unit to the aircraft.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / Commodities & Goods

Pre-Conditioned Air Units

  • Posting Number: 2025-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-17224
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2025-05-01
  • Last Updated: 02/24/25
Add to Calendar 2025-05-01 2025-05-01 Pre-Conditioned Air Units

A. The Aviation Department of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (Owner) proposes to purchase a number of new 100-ton, 90-ton, 60-ton, 45-ton, 30-ton and 20-ton Preconditioned Air Units (PCAir) for the Charlotte Douglas International Airport.1. The Contractor’s scope of work for this project will be to supply the PCAir units, factory tested and crated for storage by the Owner. The Contractor will also provide training, initial start-up support, warranty support and some maintenance accessories, as defined within this Specification.
2. The Owner will be responsible for installation of the PCAir units, including any electrical or mechanical infrastructure modifications required for the Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) or any electrical service upgrades required to provide the necessary power to the face of the terminal building.
3. The Owner will be responsible to procure and install the necessary accessories (hoses, adaptors, couplers, swivels, baskets, reels, straps, elbows, mounting materials and hardware) required to provide preconditioned air from the PCAir unit to the aircraft and / or PBB pre-cool plenum.

In Development charlotte water

Aviation / General Services

Integrated Pest Management Services

  • Posting Number: 2024-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-15207
  • Anticipated Posting Date: 2024-09-17
  • Last Updated: 02/24/25
Add to Calendar 2024-09-17 2024-09-17 Integrated Pest Management Services

The Airport is seeking a qualified company to provide Integrated Pest Management (IPM) services. The company must supply all necessary supervision, labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipment, transportation, and applicable licenses and permits required to perform these services at CLT. CLT’s IPM program is defined as a comprehensive approach to preventing and solving pest issues through education, inspection, identification, sanitation, exclusion, communication, biological and mechanical controls, and, when appropriate, targeted applications. IPM services must be conducted in a way that ensures the health and well-being of both the public and airport personnel. The company is also responsible for removing and disposing of all dead pests covered under this contract. The job site includes approximately 2 million square feet of interior facilities, multiple on-property buildings, CLT buses, and parking lots.

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