Charlotte Douglas International Airport, request a proposal from a Fire Protection equipment service company. The contractor will provide scheduled annual, quarterly, three and five-year inspections, scheduled maintenance, and repairs for the Charlotte-Douglas International Airport facilities which consist of (36) building with approximately (207) individual fire protection systems and components. The systems include, foam generators, Foam/ water sprinkler systems, Wet and Dry sprinkler system risers, Pre-Action, Dry stand- pipe connections, FM200, and electrically powered fire pumps.
This agreement will be for a service company to provide for the annual, quarterly, 3 year, and 5 year testing and inspection of these systems per the NFPA 25 requirements. The service company must provide the annual testing and repair services to five Protect-o-wire fire detection control panel.
The Contractor must hold a State Fire Sprinkler license for the State of North Carolina or any other state, which are recognized by North Carolina’s state board of examiner for Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler contractors.
The Aviation Department of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (Owner) proposes to purchase a number of new 90KVA, 140Kva and 180Kva 400Hz Ground Power Units, 90Kva 400Hz/28Vdc Combination Units and 28Vdc Cart Mounted Ground Power Units (GPU) for the Charlotte Douglas International Airport.
1. The Contractor’s scope of work for this project will be to supply the GPU units, factory tested and crated for storage by the Owner. The Contractor will also provide training, initial start-up support, warranty support, as defined within this Specification.
2. The Owner will be responsible for installation of the GPU units, including any electrical or mechanical infrastructure modifications required for the Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) or any electrical service upgrades required to provide the necessary power to the face of the terminal building.
3. The Owner will be responsible to procure and install the necessary accessories (cable hoists, output cables, mounting materials and hardware) required to provide aircraft ground power from the GPU unit to the aircraft.
A. The Aviation Department of the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (Owner) proposes to purchase a number of new 100-ton, 90-ton, 60-ton, 45-ton, 30-ton and 20-ton Preconditioned Air Units (PCAir) for the Charlotte Douglas International Airport.1. The Contractor’s scope of work for this project will be to supply the PCAir units, factory tested and crated for storage by the Owner. The Contractor will also provide training, initial start-up support, warranty support and some maintenance accessories, as defined within this Specification.
2. The Owner will be responsible for installation of the PCAir units, including any electrical or mechanical infrastructure modifications required for the Passenger Boarding Bridge (PBB) or any electrical service upgrades required to provide the necessary power to the face of the terminal building.
3. The Owner will be responsible to procure and install the necessary accessories (hoses, adaptors, couplers, swivels, baskets, reels, straps, elbows, mounting materials and hardware) required to provide preconditioned air from the PCAir unit to the aircraft and / or PBB pre-cool plenum.
The Charlotte Douglas International Airport is soliciting proposals from qualified consulting firms to conduct an update to its Airport Master Plan. As a large hub, the airport seeks a comprehensive assessment of its current facilities, operations, and projected future needs, aligned with FAA guidelines and industry best practices. The scope of work includes evaluating existing conditions, forecasting aviation activity, analyzing capacity and facility requirements, and developing alternatives to accommodate future growth.
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT”) intends to post an Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for the rehabilitation of Runway 18L/36R and Taxiway D design. The scope of this work to be designed will include but is not limited to asphalt milling, paving, airfield electrical work, and pavement makings.
This scope of work outlines the program management, advisory services, design management, project controls, project management information system (PMIS) and work & asset management (WAM) implementation and management services to support Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) in the planning, executing, and monitoring of capital improvement projects, ensuring efficient delivery within budget and compliance with strategic goals and regulatory requirements.
The project includes markings and signage to support updating the Runway Nomenclature of CLT’s existing three parallel runways to support the construction of the Fourth Parallel Runway. The Runway Nomenclature updates will be planned under 3 different charting dates with FAA throughout the project that will be coordinated with the FAA charting schedule. The project will also include updates to existing taxiway marking, signage, lighting and paved shoulders.
This project will enhance the current lighting around the Overlook site. The scope will include replacing a portion of existing light poles, foundations, and bollards with new poles and fixtures to better illuminate the overlook playground, memorial, and turf area.
CLT Airport will be seeking vendor(s) to provide cattle gates and pipe and drape rentals on an as needed basis throughout a defined contract term. These items are used to temporarily redirect passenger traffic and/or hide work areas. Most rental deliveries will be delivered overnight when passenger traffic is minimal.