The City of Charlotte, serving as Model Custodian of the Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model, is releasing this listing to engage a qualified firm for the purpose of technical support for the next update to the simplified tour-based Metrolina Regional Travel Demand Model (MRM). The work may involve tasks including, but not limited to:
• Technical assistance and guidance in developing household travel surveys designed to capture tour-based travel, with the potential to supplement with big data.
• Technical assistance and guidance with tour model estimation using travel survey data.
• Technical assistance and guidance with tour model calibration and validation.
• Technical assistance and guidance in developing a tour-based mode choice model (to include coordination with and endorsement by Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) and FTA.
• Additional model development guidance and assistance as needed.
Vision Zero On-Call Design Services- Cancelled
Provide on-call design services for Vision Zero projects including, but not limited to the following:
- Pedestrian improvements ranging from pedestrian refuges to full signal design;
- Safe Routes to School improvements;
- Sidewalk gap and bus stop improvements on thoroughfares;
- Evaluations/before and after studies of improvements.
Traffic Data Collection and Processing Services
The City of Charlotte has a Traffic Count Program which collects many different types of data along streets (not interstates) within the City of Charlotte limits. The City gathers intersection count data (vehicles, vehicle classification, pedestrian, and bicyclist) using City-owned cameras and video processing by a third party. Mid-block count data (speed, volume and vehicle classification data) is mainly collected with pneumatic road tubes, and sometimes with video cameras. The City collects other types of traffic data on an as-needed basis, such as: pedestrian corridor studies, vehicle occupancy studies, gap studies, etc. Generally, the City collects around 300 intersection turning movement counts and 800 mid-block counts a year.
Additionally, the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization (CRTPO) maintains the MPO Traffic Data Program which functions mainly outside of the City of Charlotte limits. This program provides member jurisdictions with needed traffic data used for the support of transportation planning and research efforts throughout the MPO planning area, which includes all of Iredell and Mecklenburg Counties and a significant portion of Union County.
The City and CRTPO seek to select one or multiple companies to collect and/or process a variety of traffic data and upload it to the City’s traffic and crash software database.