Long Term Investment Program (LTIP) Investment Consulting Services RFP

The purpose of this solicitation is to select an investment consultant (Company) that will partner with the City of Charlotte to provide investment consulting services for the City’s Long-Term Investment Program (“LTIP”) and assist with fiduciary oversight for the City’s existing deferred compensation programs and retiree health investment plan.

Investment Custodian and Trustee Services

The City is seeking one or more service providers to provide investment custodian and trustee services.

The primary role of the Investment Custodian Service Provider will be to provide trust custody accounts and safe-keeping services for the City’s Consolidated Investment Pool and the Long-Term Investment Program (LTIP).  The City’s $2.5B Consolidated Investment Pool is part of its daily operations and is invested under North Carolina G.S. 159-30 and 159-31. The LTIP has a total market value of approximately $100M and is an investment program in which the City’s long-term capital reserves are invested under expanded investment authorization outlined in State Law G.S. 147-69.2(b)(1)-(6) and (8) to diversify investment assets of the City and provide a funding source for future Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) obligations.

The primary role of the Trustee Services Provider will be to establish, hold, maintain and manage segregated trust accounts in accordance with bond documents and in compliance with federal tax law.