Commercial and Private Plumbing Services

Charlotte Water is seeking proposals for Company(ies) to provide Plumbing Services for private property owners and commercial owners who are rate payers. Occasionally there is a need for a Company to provide plumbing service on or prior to a Charlotte Water construction project.

Pump and Motor Repair Services

The City is responsible for maintaining a portfolio of approximately 180 buildings, including offices, fire stations, police division offices, and equipment shops, that house various City activities.  The City also maintains cultural facilities, including museums and arenas that serve as venues for sports, entertainment, and other events.  Contracts resulting from this RFP may be used by various City departments for needs across the entire City organization, including the Airport and the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS).


The Company shall provide pump and motor repair services at various locations as identified by the City.  Services consists of providing all labor, materials, equipment, and supervision for the repair services as directed by the City’s Project Manager.  Motor repair/recondition services are required for alternating current (AC) three-phase low voltage motors (600V and less) including close-coupled pump units.