Various Storm Water Services Projects

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Services is requesting proposals from qualified companies interested in providing Professional Engineering Services for Various Storm Water Services Projects. The selected firms will use HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, SWMM, and/or a hydraulic grade line closed system computer model, or an approved alternative method. All methods will be in accordance with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Storm Water Design Manual. The City’s then current AutoCAD standards will be used for production of all plans and profiles. The selected company(ies) may be required to pursue stream restoration and enhancement for mitigation credit in accordance with NCDEQ and USACE requirements, where appropriate.

West Ramp Dual Taxi Lanes (Design)

The West Ramp Dual Taxi lanes project at Charlotte Douglas International Airport will provide for the design and construction of dual taxi lanes on the west ramp between taxiways E14 and E15 and includes the realignment of gates on old Concourse A to accommodate future fleet mixes.  The following scope is based on planning level analysis and will need to be confirmed through the design.  The current taxi lane configuration lacks sufficient bidirectional flow and consists of a single parallel Group V taxi lane supporting each runway and a single Group III taxi lane around the perimeter of the existing terminal apron

ASR and Center Lighting Vault Relocation

The Center Lighting Vault Relocation Project will relocate the existing lighting vault, located at the Mid-Field area at CLT Airport to a new proposed location. The project will consist of site work, building work, site utilities, and airfield lighting circuitry.

The selected Final Design Engineer or Engineer of Record (EOR or Consultant) will produce Construction Documents to be issued for competitive bidding of one or multiple construction packages, followed by Conformed or Released for Construction Plans issued to the responsive or responsible bidder for Construction.  The design and documents are to be based on Preliminary Design or bridging documents prepared by the Owner’s Master Civil Engineer (Aviation Consulting Engineers, LLC, or ACE).  The Preliminary Design effort will include completion of the Design Geotechnical Subsurface Investigation, preliminary design plans to a 30% level of completion, pavement design, and preliminary surveys.  Final Design surveys, including pavement tie-ins, etc. will be the responsibility of the Consultant.

South Ramp Expansion (Design)

The South Ramp Expansion is proposed to improve the aircraft circulation on the east and west sides of the airfield.  In addition, the South Ramp Expansion will facilitate the proposed extensions to Concourse B and Concourse C, and ultimately the development of a satellite concourse.

The following work elements are included in the project:

  • South Ramp Expansion, including construction of new connector taxiways to Taxiway C
  • Civil sitework to facilitate the expansion of Concourse B and C.
  • Tunnel infrastructure (shell only) to serve the future Concourse B and C expansions, and ultimately the development of a satellite concourse.

The selected Final Design Engineer or Engineer of Record (EOR or Consultant) will produce construction documents to be issued for competitive bidding of one or multiple construction packages, followed by conformed or released for construction plans issued to the responsive or responsible bidder for construction.  The design and documents are to be based on preliminary design or bridging documents prepared by the Owner’s Master Civil Engineer (Aviation Consulting Engineers, LLC, or ACE).  The preliminary design effort will include completion of the design geotechnical subsurface investigation, preliminary design plans to a 30% level of completion, pavement design, and preliminary surveys.  Final design surveys, including pavement tie-ins, etc. will be the responsibility of the Consultant.

Construction Cost Estimating Services

Charlotte Water and Charlotte Storm Water Services are seeking Independent construction cost estimating services. The work may include independent estimating services for various phases of construction contracts or review, reconciliation of cost estimates, and evaluation of cost estimates completed by a contractor. Respondents should have knowledge of the Charlotte market, water, sewer and stormwater construction procedures, and an understanding of various project delivery methods. Projects may be pipelines, pump stations, treatment plants or facilities projects.

Professional Engineering Services for Various Storm Water Services Flood Mitigation Projects

Storm Water Services is requesting proposals from qualified companies interested in providing Professional Engineering Services for Various Storm Water Services flood mitigation projects.  The projects will be drainage area-based storm drainage improvement projects that involve differing land uses within the project areas.  Drainage basins may include closed and open systems.  The study areas may be on a portion of the watershed or entire watershed. (Up to 5 contracts)

On-Call Civil Engineering Consultant

Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) is seeking statements of qualifications from professional engineering firms to provide task order engineering services. Services are expected to cover a range of smaller studies, conceptual designs, investigations, coordination processes and technical support of a limited nature.  This Engineering and Construction Task Order contract is focused largely but not exclusively on support to “horizontal/flat-work” design engineering and construction support services for engineering.

West Boulevard Relocation (Design)

This project is associated with the Airport’s 4th Parallel Runway Project. West Boulevard will need to be relocated to Piney Top Drive and Byrum Drive in order to create space for the 4th Parallel Runway and South End-Around Taxiway. Intersection improvements and roadway widening will occur at various locations along the corridor.

The final Engineer of Record will start their services at 30%, by utilizing preliminary plans from the Master Civil Engineer

4th Parallel Runway (Design)

This program includes the planning, design, and construction of a 10,000-foot parallel runway and associated taxiway system to include the North End Around Taxiway Phase II and South End Around Taxiway. The 2016 Airport Capacity Enhancement Plan and 2018 FAA-approved forecast show the need for an additional runway at CLT. This runway will replace the existing crosswind runway and enhance capacity as the parallel configuration will provide greater operational benefit for more efficient air traffic flow in and out of CLT.

The Final Engineer of Record will start their services at 30%, by utilizing preliminary plans from the Master Civil Engineer. CLT may select multiple engineering firms to work on the various aforementioned project elements.