Professional Consulting Services RFP

The City of Charlotte is soliciting a Request for Proposals (RFP) to acquire professional consulting services for strategic planning, research, analysis, and development to improve local government operations.  This multi-year contract will be awarded to multiple vendors that best meet its needs for these services.

The Consultant(s) shall be established, qualified, and experienced consulting firms capable of providing versatile strategic planning resources, support, and consultation in the local government arena.

The Consultant(s) must be capable of performing various tasks, up to and including, but not limited to:

  • Providing strategic planning for various City departments, programs, services, initiatives, and activities;
  • Providing expert- and research-based advice on strategic development, capacity building, business strategies, and process improvement;
  • Conducting operational analyses, assessments, and audits in an effort to ascertain organizational effectiveness and identify opportunities for improvement. Analyses and assessments may involve such areas as operational effectiveness and accountability, organizational structure and performance, resource management and alignment, change management, workforce needs and development, succession planning, and management practices;
  • Analyzing, developing, and implementing management strategies, to include but not be limited to, crisis management, protection of the City brand, and reinforcing City relationships;
  • Conducting surveys regarding the City’s reputation and perception by residents, employees, customers, local business partners, regional partners, and other stakeholders;
  • Conducting market research based on current market trends and best practices among peer cities, at a minimum;
  • Facilitating and/or conducting strategic mapping initiatives, to include benchmarking metrics;
  • Assisting City staff in testing and implementing strategy map recommendations;
  • Facilitating and supporting strategic conversations, meetings, trainings, focus groups, and retreats with internal and external stakeholders; and
  • Providing appropriate support as requested for special projects as assigned by the City Manager or designee.

Airport Classification and Compensation Study

Aviation is seeking a contractor to perform a comprehensive evaluation of all positions and job classifications within the Aviation Department. The study objectives include the following aspects: classification alignment, salary alignment, career progression, justifiable pay differentials and market competitiveness.



DBE & ACDBE Program Compliance Services

The scope shall include two parts:

A. The Company shall develop CLT’s Triennial Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) overall goal based on analysis of available opportunities and qualified DBE firms available for participation. Goal development includes, but is not limited, to obtaining comparative data from other similar projects and interaction with Regional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Civil Rights Officers, as well as organizing and conducting a stakeholder/public participation meeting.

B. The Company shall develop CLT’s Triennial Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (ACDBE) overall goal based on analysis of available opportunities and qualified ACDBE firms available for participation. Goal development includes, but is not limited to, obtaining comparative data from other similar projects, and interaction with Regional Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Civil Rights Officers, as well as organizing and conducting a stakeholder/public participation meeting.

Small Business Ecosystem Assessment and Implementation Services

The City of Charlotte’s Economic Development Department is seeking an experienced and knowledgeable consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive assessment and develop an implementation plan for the small business ecosystem in Charlotte to help increase equitable opportunities and address challenges/gaps in resources. This assessment and implementation plan is to provide an in-depth understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and key factors affecting small businesses in Charlotte.

Small Business Ecosystem Assessment Consulting Services – Cancelled

In April of 2023, Charlotte City Council approved funding from the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund for small business and entrepreneurship support. The City of Charlotte’s Economic Development Department is seeking an experienced and knowledgeable consulting firm to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the small business ecosystem in Charlotte to help increase equitable opportunities and address challenges/gaps in resources. The City of Charlotte is committed to supporting the growth and success of local small, minority, and women-owned businesses and is eager to gain insights into the current landscape to inform our future initiatives. This assessment is to provide an in-depth understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and key factors affecting small businesses in Charlotte. The findings will help us develop targeted strategies, programs, and resources to empower and strengthen the local entrepreneurial community.

RFP AVIA 24-08 Succession Planning Framework and Related Consulting Services

CLT is seeking proposals from capable consultants with expertise in delivering succession planning framework and related consulting services. This initiative pertains to pivotal roles including executive, directorial, and other vital positions, where seamless and effective personnel transitions are paramount to sustain operational efficiency. Leveraging existing internal talent to bridge transitional gaps and preserving indispensable operational insights, knowledge and procedures stand as imperative objectives for CLT. We seek a consultant who can deliver a practical and comprehensive succession plan that is realistic for our business and employee population and can be adapted as needed and maintained by CLT Staff.

The term of the contract shall be for three (3) years with two optional one-year renewals.

CMPD Promotional Processes Services

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) will be formally soliciting to select a qualified consultant to assist with yearly rank testing, specifically developing and implementing the testing materials for yearly Promotional Processes for the ranks of Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain. Multiple processes may be run over the course of a calendar year depending upon the needs of CMPD.

Non-Profit Support Administrator Services

The City of Charlotte received federal stimulus funding under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) State & Local Fiscal Recovery Fund program enacted in 2021.  The City has designated up to $3.5 million of ARPA funding to support the local non-profit community.  The City is seeking a small number of community partners to serve as Administrators who will serve as the primary representatives for the program and perform all required administrative duties necessary for program implementation, recipient identification, eligibility, and funds distribution related to the program.

CFD Promotional Processes

This contract is for the provision of a qualified Company to assist the City of Charlotte Fire Department (CFD) with yearly rank testing, specifically developing and implementing the testing materials for yearly Promotional Processes for the ranks of Entry Level (EL), Fire Fighters (FF), Captain, Engineer, Battalion Chief, and Division Chief.  Multiple processes may be run over the course of a calendar year depending upon the needs of CFD.