SAFE Charlotte Professional Consulting Services – Recommendation 6 – Recruitment/Residency

The city is seeking services to apply a behavioral science approach to the city’s officer recruitment process and residency incentives. The service provider should have experience applying behavioral science in the public safety, specifically the law enforcement sector and demonstrated impact. This work will address Recommendation 6 – Recruitment and Residency, as adopted in the SAFE Charlotte report by Charlotte City Council on October 26, 2020.

Disparity Study Services

The Disparity Study requested by this RFP will be used to aid the City in evaluating and improving its current programs. The results and recommendations will serve as a reference document in the creation of directives, standards and practices. The City wishes to undertake all necessary and affirmative steps to ensure that Historically Underutilized Businesses (“HUB”) are afforded opportunities to participate in City contracts.