The scope of this contract shall be to provide ADA Assessment and Remediation Services on Digital Assets for the City of Charlotte.
The City of Charlotte is interested in partnering with qualified companies capable of digital asset assessment and remediation (e.g., websites, web apps, mobile apps, kiosks, public information display systems, etc.) for the purpose of citizen and employee accessibility, and accessibility by anyone with a disability pursuant to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) (42 U.S.C. Ch. 126 – 12-101 et seq).
The RFP has been updated and is being re-advertised. New RFP# 269-2022-017.
The Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is seeking a Company to perform assessments of paratransit eligible applicants to use the CATS’ Services. The resources shall include but are not limited to management, personnel, supplies, and any other equipment needed to satisfy the requirements to conduct in-person ADA Services.
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), CATS offers paratransit services to individuals who, because of a disability (physical, cognitive or visual), cannot access fixed routes buses. The ADA defines eligibility for complementary paratransit service in 49 CFR Section 37.123 of the federal regulations. CATS operates the paratransit system which is a pre-scheduled, shared-ride, origin to destination service.
The term “customer” shall refer to new CATS applicants and/or existing CATS clients. The term “CATS Transit System” shall refer to both CATS’ accessible fixed-route bus and CATS’ accessible light rail.
The Company shall be responsible for paratransit eligibility as it relates to an individual’s functional/cognitive ability to use CATS in accordance with the ADA. Disability alone does not determine paratransit eligibility; the decision is based on the customer’s functional ability to use the fixed-route bus and is not a medical decision.
Metrolina Regional Demographic and Economic Data and Projections – population and employment data and projections in 5 year increments out to 2060.
External Travel Survey – survey of travelers traveling into or through the model area.