Hidden Valley Firehouse #45

Design and construct a new 2-story, 3-bay firehouse at 14,626 square feet, to be located at 5800 North Tryon Street. This facility will be a new infill firehouse that will alleviate high call volume for surrounding firehouses. A new firehouse must be built when a new “point of dispatch” is required in order to meet response time standards.  The proposed facility will be located on a 2.03-acre parcel that facilitates the redevelopment of abandoned/underutilized sites and vacant sites. This location and site selection shall meet the City of Charlotte Policy for Sustainable City Facilities and Charlotte Fire Department Facilities Master Plan.

This project will pursue LEED certification. The site will incorporate solar panels and a geothermal well system with water source heat pumps.

CMPD Animal Care and Control Compliance & ADA Renovations, Phase II

Phase II Animal Care & Control renovations will address non-compliant issues per the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Animal Welfare Section (NCDA&CS) Inspection reports issued in 2018, 2020, and 2021. Phase II will address renovations for separation of species, inadequate ventilation surfaces not impervious to moisture, slab repair, additional square footage for dog and cat housing, and if funding is available fencing and gate replacement for dog kennels. This phase also will address ADA Barrier renovations to meet international ADA code requirements.

The facility is located at 8315 Byrum Drive, near the airport. This facility is just under 30 years old and the renovations required are a direct response to the NCDA&CS inspection reports. Also, the project will incorporate renovations to address ADA barriers in the facility, such as door hardware, signs, plumbing, minor parking lot curbing, etc.

CMPD background checks will be required for all construction staff, vendors, and anyone occupying the site during construction and deliveries.

Queens Road West Water Pipe Replacement Project

Charlotte Water (CLTWater) is planning to replace water services on Queens Road West between East Boulevard and Selwyn Avenue and water pipes under Queens Road West from Wellesley Avenue to Selwyn Avenue and East Boulevard near Queens Road West. The Queens Water Main Replacement Project’s completed design and construction have not been scheduled yet.

Lakeview Road Improvements

This project spans approximately 1.5 miles and will add transportation capacity along Lakeview Road from Cushing Drive to Old Statesville Road to accommodate the additional traffic expected as a result of the construction of NCDOT’s I-77 Lakeview Road Direct Connect Interchange project. Improvements under this project will include pavement upgrades, intersection modifications, additional through/turning lanes, upgrading drainage infrastructure, and pedestrian and bicycle facilities.

Collective Series J Storm Drain Improvement Project

The Collective Storm Drainage Improvement Project (SDIP) Series J contains three separate projects which vary in size and each bring their unique differences. The work involves various storm drainage improvements including replacement of storm drainage pipes, culvert, masonry drainage structures, water line, sewer line, asphalt pavement, concrete driveways, concrete sidewalk and concrete curb. These improvements will realign storm drainage to reduce structure flooding and address failing infrastructure. Due to the complexity of these projects and their proximity to utility poles/structures/retaining walls, active shoring will be required.

Graham Street Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project

This project will install approximately 2.5 miles of 72 count single-mode fiber optic cable installed in mostly existing conduit. There are also small portions of new directionally bored, hand-dug, and trenched conduit. This project includes entrances and communications equipment for six existing traffic signal control cabinets and the installation of seven traffic management cameras. The project limits are North Graham Street beginning at West Sugar Creek Road to Mallard Creek Road to West WT Harris Boulevard. This project includes fiber optic cable splicing, testing, Ethernet equipment communications, and traffic management cameras and equipment.

East Boulevard Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Project

This project will install approximately 1.53 miles of 36 count single‐mode fiber optic cable installed in new directionally bored, hand dug and trenched conduit, existing conduit and aerial attachments to poles. This project includes entrances and interconnect equipment for four existing traffic control cabinets and the installation of four traffic management cameras. The project limits are East Boulevard beginning at Queens Road West to Euclid Avenue. This project also includes fiber splicing, testing, Ethernet equipment communications, and traffic management cameras and equipment.

N. Tryon St- 36th St. Streetscape

The project will provide infrastructure improvements that include sidewalk, curb and gutter, milling- resurfacing, pedestrian refuge and signals, cross walks, planting strips, street trees, pedestrian and street lighting, bike lanes, and on-street parking. The project will provide 0.4 miles of streetscape along 36th street between North Tryon Street and Davidson Street. The project will tie into the Blue Line Extension project on 36th street.

I-277 Rail Trail Bridge – Construction

This project will construct a pedestrian bridge over I-277 to connect South End to Uptown. The bridge will be located just west of the existing light rail bridge and will include aesthetic elements to create a signature design. It will also include a new pedestrian rail crossing on the Morehead landing area and will tie the Stonewall plaza into the existing light rail platform. The scope includes a new two-span cable stay arch bridge over I-277. The construction work includes grading, storm drainage, retaining walls, abutments, pedestrian bridge, lighting, curb, and concrete multi-use path.