This traffic signal contract will provide resources to install and maintain traffic signals and support infrastructure citywide.
CATS Track Vegetation Management Services
This Request for Proposal will be for vegetation management of 40 miles CATS Rail Operations track. This area includes double main track, storage tracks and yard tracks. The railroad vegetation management is to protect the LYNX rail passengers and CATS infrastructure, as well as preserving a stable balance with the environment and surrounding natural resources. The vegetation management will consist of two track vegetation sprays a year. The spraying will be on track, off track areas within the storage yards, sub stations and signal houses.
PSR 822
Citywide Trip Hazard Removal Services
The Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) Street Maintenance Division (SMD) is responsible for the maintenance of more than 2,200 miles of sidewalks and more than 7,000 accessible ramps within the City of Charlotte. The scope of this work consists of the removal of concrete tripping hazards from sidewalks, curb ramps, and concrete curbing that the City agents have identified. All work produced must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for slope and Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements for traction. The company will be responsible for all traffic control in accordance with the most recent Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (WATCH). Any debris resulting from the removal of trip hazards must be removed in a legal manner.