FY24 Sanitary Sewer Rehab and Replacement-CANCELLED

The work is generally described as follows: rehabilitation of manholes, repair of sewer system defects and service laterals, installation of new sewers and manholes to replace existing sewers and manholes, installation of cured-in-place pipe lining, pipe bursting, other miscellaneous manhole rehabilitation work, and all preparatory work such as sewer cleaning and television inspection.

Cancelled as of 10/21/2024

Paw Creek Sewer Rehabilitation and Sewer Diversion

This project consists of the sanitary sewer rehabilitation of approximately 4,700 LF of sewer outfall with cured-in-place lining. This project will extend along the Paw Creek outfall. A 112 LF, 24-inch diversion sewer will also be constructed under Briar Creek along with a 118 LF, 8-inch LF collector sewer. All work will occur within Charlotte Water’s existing easement. A small portion of work on a county parcel.

CLT Center Storm Drainage Project

This project is located in a parking lot behind the CLT Center located at 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard in Charlotte, NC.  The purpose of the project is to install new pipe to contain and drain runoff from the building to an existing storm drainage system at the rear of the parking lot.  The work involves installation of reinforced concrete pipe, storm drainage structures, asphalt surface, and re-striping the parking lot within the construction corridor.

On Call Stream Restoration and Sanitary Sewer Repair

This project includes stream stabilization and sewer repair at multiple locations within the sanitary sewer collection system. Stream stabilization structures shall be constructed to protect existing and proposed sanitary sewer infrastructure.

Project components include natural in-stream structures, plantings, site grading, sanitary sewer replacement, sheet pile installation, bypass pumping and sediment control measures. Site locations will be released during the contract duration.

The contract is expected to be for a two-year term with possible renewal.

Goose Creek Sanitary Sewer to Cresthill

Project site is mainly wooded and has minimal housing. There will be one crossing on Lawyers Rd. The project will consist of approximately 5,500 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer.

McDowell Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant Dewatering, Disposal and Cleaning

The project consists of removing and properly disposing of all materials currently stored in Digester No. 5 and cleaning Digester No. 5 located at McDowell Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant in Huntersville, NC. Material stored in the digester may have been in place for up to 15 years and includes but is not limited to: grit, digested bio-solids, water and rags.

The Company shall transport and dispose of the materials removed from the digester to an appropriately permitted, licensed, EPA Subtitle D landfill facility of the Company’s choice. Material removal, transportation and disposal shall be performed in accordance with all applicable local, state and federal laws.  If the material is deemed allowable for land application and Company has permit to land apply, then the material may be removed and land applied.

Siphon Cleaning Service

Charlotte Water needs to establish an annual sanitary sewer siphon cleaning program to optimize system performance and prevent sanitary sewer overflows.  Many of the siphons are difficult to clean and may require specialty cleaning and inspection equipment.  The intent of this project is to clean each siphon in the collection system at least once every year.

Cleaning and post cleaning inspection services for various diameters, lengths and configurations of inverted siphons, including flow control, throughout the Charlotte Water service area. The diameters of siphon pipes to be cleaned and inspected range from 6-inch to 48-inch and include both single and multi-barrels.  Available siphon information, along with maps and as-builts, are found later in these specifications.  The Company shall verify the sizes and configurations of each siphon and report any discrepancies to the as-builts to Charlotte Water.  Cleaning schedules will vary, as required, and may include the need to perform services during nights, weekends, and/or City observed holidays.

This contract will service the Field Operations Division of Charlotte Water and will primarily focus on the annual cleaning and inspection of approximately fifty (50) inverted siphons throughout the Charlotte Water service area.


The Company will be required to clean and inspect all 50+ siphons within the contract time period and will be responsible for scheduling the work.  In addition, the Company will be required to clean and TV at least two (2) gravity lines directly upstream and two (2) gravity lines directly downstream of each siphon.  Diameter of these lines range from 8-inch to 54-inch.

Pipe Patch Services

A company shall provide all materials, equipment, labor, and incidentals required to perform pipe patching for the purpose of repairing joints and offset joints, crowns, and service laterals with an ambient cure, fiberglass liner impregnated with thermosetting epoxy for laterals and main lines within Charlotte Water’s service area.

Pebblestone Storm Drainage Improvement Project

Pebblestone Storm Drainage Improvement Project consist of channel stabilization and a parking lot rebuilt. The improvements will include approximately 250 linear feet of bank hard stabilization and 170 linear feet of bank soft stabilization. In addition to the channel stabilization, sanitary sewer improvements are required. 180 linear feet of 10-inch and 32 linear feet of 16-inch ductile iron restrained joint sanitary sewer pipe. 180 linear feet of 16-inch and 20 linear feet of 24-inch steel encasement pipe.