Project started due to surface depressions along roadway. City plans to remove and replace corrugated metal pipe with 83 linear feet (LF) of 8’ x 4’ reinforced concrete box culvert; remove and replace two headwalls; remove and replace 311 LF of 15″ reinforced concrete pipe (RCP); remove and replace 42 LF 24″ RCP; remove and replace 27 LF 18″ RCP; bank grading; and remove and replace 85 LF 10” ductile iron pipe of sewer.
Franklin Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Electrical Upgrades
Charlotte Water is requesting proposals from qualified companies interested in providing Professional Engineering Services for the Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades Project. The delivery method for the Project will be Design-Bid-Build. The initial design contract is anticipated to include detailed design, permitting, and bid phase services. The design contract will be amended later to include construction administration services. Note that CLTWater will provide the selected firm a copy of the “Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)” (being written by Southeastern Consulting Engineers, Inc.), which will be the basis of detailed design. The PER is currently in development and will be provided before the Notice to Proceed for detailed design.
The following is a general description of the work required in the Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades project. This is not intended to be all-inclusive, nor is it guaranteed that all of the below tasks will be completed. A more defined Scope of Work will be developed during negotiations with the selected firm and completion of the “Franklin WTP Electrical Upgrades PER”.
- Detailed Design – The Engineer will provide the resources and expertise to complete the design of improvements to the existing electrical feed and standby power systems at the Franklin WTP. These upgrades will focus on providing a redundant and reliable electrical feed that meets regulatory requirements and operating goals of the plant. The Engineer will prepare detailed plans and specifications per CLTWater requirements for bidding and construction of the Project. The Engineer will support CLTWater during the bid phase/process.
- Design of a centralized, masonry generator building with four generator bays and new switchgear. Three generators will be procured/installed in this project. Engineering disciplines involved include architectural, structural, building mechanical (HVAC and plumbing), process mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and controls (I&C), and civil. Surveying services and geotechnical investigation will be required.
- Modernization of medium and low voltage switchgear, specifically at High Service Pumping Station #2 and Main Building.
- Coordination with Duke Energy on any required modifications to the existing substation.
- Rehabilitation of existing transfer switches and transformers at High Service Pumping Station #1, Raw Water Pumping Station #1, and Raw Water Pumping Station #2.
- Implementation of upgraded instrumentation and controls.
- Modifications to existing overhead power loop, focusing on redundancy and resiliency.
- Conversion to main-tie-main configuration, where applicable.
- As noted, CLTWater is completing a PER, which will be made available to the selected firm. The document will not be available to Proposers as a reference document since it is not complete.
- Permitting – The Engineer will provide the expertise and resources to determine the required permitting and work with CLTWater and the regulatory agencies to successfully obtain all required permits. Potential permits required include:
- ACOE Section 404 Permit,
- NCDEQ 401 Water Quality Certification,
- NCDEQ Authorization to Construct,
- Charlotte Mecklenburg Building permits, and
- Erosion control permits.
- Cost Estimating – Budget is critical on this project, and the Engineer will be expected to have a high degree of accuracy of cost estimating at all phases of design such that development of the final estimate reflects current market pricing as much as practical.
- Construction Administration – The Engineer will provide Construction Administration services during the project construction phase with both office engineering services and Resident Project Representative services in the field.
- Start-Up and Commissioning – The Engineer will provide the resources and expertise to start up the new facilities and ensure they are operating as planned and reliably. Commissioning includes providing excellent documentation of the structures and equipment via O&M manuals and record drawings and satisfactory closeout of all permits.
Note: The above scope represents the Owner’s requirements at this time. CLTWATER reserves the right to change this scope (either reductions or additions.
Part 139 Remediation & Runway Redesignation
The project includes markings and signage to support updating the Runway Nomenclature of CLT’s existing three parallel runways to support the construction of the Fourth Parallel Runway. The Runway Nomenclature updates will be planned under 3 different charting dates with FAA throughout the project that will be coordinated with the FAA charting schedule. The project will also include updates to existing taxiway marking, signage, lighting and paved shoulders.
Mallard Creek Road Shared-Use Path (Governor Hunt to Driwood)
This project will construct a shared-use path along the east side of Mallard Creek Road from Governor Hunt Road to Driwood Court. Specific improvements will also include construction of a plant strip, curb and cutter, accessible ramps, driveways, and potential storm drainage improvements. The purpose of this project is to improve pedestrian safety, mobility, and connectivity along Mallard Creek Road. Project Length = 0.4 miles.
Old Concord Road Shared-Use Path (Meadow Vista to Arlyn Cir)
This project will construct a shared-use path along the west side of Old Concord Road from Meadow Vista Road to Arlyn Circle. Construction of driveway improvements and wheelchair ramps are included in this scope. The construction of the shared-use path will help to improve safety and walking conditions for citizens along this minor thoroughfare. This project will also connect several miles of pedestrian walkways within this area. Old Concord Road Shared-Use Path is considered a high priority project based on CDOT’s sidewalk Priority list and was requested by the residents and business owners in the area. Improvements for Charlotte Water are also included in the project scope. Project Length= .85 miles.
Kuykendall Road Improvements
This project will connect sidewalk along Kuykendall Road from
Thorn Blade Drive to McKee Road, and add a right-turn lane from
Kuykendall Road on to McKee Road in order to to increase
pedestrian safety and help alleviate traffic congestion at the
intersection. Project will also fill in small sidewalk gap on the south
side of McKee Rd at Kuykendall Rd and add pedestrian signals with
crosswalk at this intersection. Project length = approximately 0.75
Freedom Dr 3144 Storm Drainage Improvement Project
This Storm Drainage Improvement Project will replace failing storm water infrastructure at 3144, 3200, and 3232 Freedom Drive. Project will install over 1500 feet of new storm drainage pipe.
The McDaniel Ln 6028 Project
The McDaniel Ln 6028 project consists of removing and replacing an existing storm drainage network in the Charlotte Hills Mobile Home Park. It currently has a preliminary estimate of 1.2million dollars.
Blackmon Storm Drainage Improvement Project
This project involves analysis of existing conditions to determine portions of the storm drainage system needing improvement, planning analysis of improvement alternatives, and design and construction of needed improvements.
The Blackmon Street Storm Drainage Improvement Project is bordered by Sampson Street to the north, Hoskins Road to the south, Ridgeley Drive to the east, and Sampson Street.
The need for this project was identified through citizen reported drainage requests including road flooding and complaints of finished floor (structure) flooding.
The purpose of the project will be to improve the storm drainage infrastructure to reduce flooding of streets and structures.