Digital Kiosks

The City of Charlotte (the “City”) is seeking proposals from qualified firm(s) for the design, fabrication, installation, and operation of digital kiosks (the “kiosks”) in the public right-of-way. The kiosks will be primarily located on sidewalks, and other public areas as approved by the City, and serve the following public purposes, at a minimum:

  1. Wayfinding – providing information to civic and cultural institutions, transit amenities, restaurants, retail and other business
  2. Transit information – providing information on transit routes and schedule options
  3. Public information and emergency messaging – serving as a central dissemination point for information
  4. Increased vibrancy and visual interest of City streets – promoting placemaking in Charlotte through City events and programming
  5. Create a supportive environment for retail and entertainment commerce – furthering economic development within our community
  6. Enhance visitor experience and brand perception of Charlotte – advancing Charlotte’s narrative and brand perception to residents and visitors alike
  7. Accessibility, usability and inclusion – creating a welcoming and inclusive technology for our community at large