The Charlotte Douglas Airport Fire Department is expecting delivery of a new crash truck around August/September of 2025. As part of this update, they will be transitioning to fluorine free foam for this truck, current trucks and all future crash trucks in their fleet and therefore are seeking a new multi-year contract for the purchase of fluorine free firefighting foam.
All Products and component parts furnished under the Contract shall comply with the specifications and terms and conditions.
Firefighting Foam Concentrate
The Charlotte Fire Department is requesting a new contract for firefighting foam services. Work to be performed under this contract is to purchase firefighting foam concentrate. The foam is used to extinguish flammable liquid fires and prevent fires from hydrocarbon fuel spills. This product is standardized within CFD and is carried on all engines, ladders, tankers, and several specialized units.
Cancelled-Rail Operations Annual Fire Extinguisher Service
The request is for Fire Extinguisher servicing of the LRV (Light Rail Vehicle) vehicles, and the MOW (Maintenance of Way) Signal houses and and Traction Power Substations.