CCPA Technology Products and Related Services

The City of Charlotte requires miscellaneous technology goods and services from a variety of providers to support ongoing operations. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is on behalf of the Charlotte Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (CCPA).

The vendors will provide the following miscellaneous technology goods and services:

  • Conference room equipment (smartboards and projectors)
  • Miscellaneous technology items (plotters, tablet computers, ruggedized laptops, video cameras and equipment, power protection, and A/V equipment, etc.)
  • Servers and firewalls
  • Network hardware and software
  • Commercial off-the-shelf and cloud-based software, support, maintenance, licensing, and related services.


Digital Asset Management System

The City is seeking Proposals to implement and support a Digital Asset Management System to be used by multiple City Departments. The System will, at a minimum, store and manage all creative assets – photos, videos, graphic design in addition to supporting brand marketing. The system will need to function similarly to a working library and will have the ability to share historical content, current content, and details on the intended use. This system should also allow other users within the department to easily find and distribute approved content.