CCPA Technology Products and Related Services

The City of Charlotte requires miscellaneous technology goods and services from a variety of providers to support ongoing operations. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is on behalf of the Charlotte Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (CCPA).

The vendors will provide the following miscellaneous technology goods and services:

  • Conference room equipment (smartboards and projectors)
  • Miscellaneous technology items (plotters, tablet computers, ruggedized laptops, video cameras and equipment, power protection, and A/V equipment, etc.)
  • Servers and firewalls
  • Network hardware and software
  • Commercial off-the-shelf and cloud-based software, support, maintenance, licensing, and related services.


Multi-Space Parking Kiosk

A pay station parking kiosk that serves multiple parking spaces. It will allow parkers to start a pay-by-plate parking session via a touchscreen or keyboard input. The Kiosks should have the ability to be informational and integrate with other mobility options.