This solicitation is to provide employees located in various locations throughout the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County with embroidered and non-embroidered uniform and work related clothing. Shirts (including polo, short sleeve, and long sleeve), T-shirts, Coveralls, High Visibility Work Shirt, all jackets, windbreakers, hats and lab coats will require the City of Charlotte logo embroidered on the items. Charlotte Water employees may also order screen print for screen T-shirts.
Uniform T-Shirts
Charlotte Water is one of the largest public water and wastewater service providers in the southeast. This solicitation will be to provide Charlotte Water employees located in various locations throughout the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County with non-embroidered and City and/or Charlotte Water embroidered uniform and work-related T-Shirts. T-Shirts may include, but are not limited to, short sleeve, long sleeve, pocketed, and non-pocketed types.
This ITB will be targeted to SBEs only. Companies wishing to submit a Bid for this ITB shall be a city-certified SBE by the Bid Opening date and time.
Fire PT Uniforms
The Charlotte Fire Department (CFD) provides physical fitness training uniforms to all new and current employees on an annual basis for required on-the-job physical training and recruit school. The uniform items consists of sweatshirts, sweat pants, training shorts, and tee shirts. The uniforms will require screen-printing of the CFD logos onto the garments. Short sleeve and long sleeve tee shirts are also provided as part of the employee’s uniform allotment. This will be a contract for a period of three years with the option to extend the contract for two additional one-year terms.
Citywide Uniforms and Related Equipment and Services
This is a City-wide solicitation to purchase uniforms, related equipment, and services including, but not limited to dress uniforms, long and short sleeve shirts, pants, hats, ties, leather belts, outerwear and shoes. This also includes fitting, tailoring, measuring service, account management and other related services for a period of three years with the option to extend the contract for two additional one-year terms.
Citywide Uniform Rental Services
The City of Charlotte will be seeking a service provider to supply uniforms and other related garments via a rental program, including:
- Provision of rental garments meeting a variety of City specifications, including standard field garments, supervisory garments, flame-resistant garments, and high-visibility garments;
- Provision of mats, dust mops, shop rags, lockers, soiled garment bins;
- Weekly laundering of all uniforms, and delivery and pick-up at various City facilities;
- Repair or replacement of damaged or lost uniforms; and
- Additional pricing discounts for direct purchase of uniforms, including logo apparel.
This solicitation will not include Police or Fire uniforms.
Fire Dress Uniforms – CANCELLED
Purchase includes Polo Shirts, Job Shirts and Dress Uniforms for Fire Department