Water Treatment Polymer Trials

The scope of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to establish a contract for the purchase, delivery, and other inherently related activities of liquid emulsion polymer for solids dewatering for Charlotte Water’s Franklin WTP in compliance with the specifications and terms and conditions set forth in this ITB.

Polymer Trials will take place prior to receiving bids for the polymer. All Products and parts furnished under the Contract shall be new, shall comply with the specifications and terms and conditions set forth in this ITB, and shall operate in full compliance with the Specifications.

Knuckle-Boom Truck Body

Landscape Management’s landscape operations group maintains more than 1,500 acres of landscaping across more than 200 city properties, including operational, administrative, and community facilities; vacant parcels; nearly 1,000 medians; and six public spaces (Arequipa Park, Crescent Park, Five Points Public Plaza, The Green at Prosperity Village, The Ritz at Washington Heights and Thomas Polk Park). The group also installs new landscaping and controls excessive vegetation growth.

The Landscape Management Division seeks to establish a contract for a one-time purchase of a Knuckle-Boom Truck Body from a qualified vendor. The contract will be for the purchase, delivery, maintenance and repair, and training in compliance with the specifications and terms and conditions outlined in the Invitation To Bid.

CATS Mobile Town Hall Vehicle Upfit

This vehicle upfit will serve as a mobile town hall for community events and will be available for use by all city departments.  CATS will have first priority given the role CATS has served in bringing this mobile town hall to life.

PSR # 1729

CATS Cummins Bus Engines and Replacement Parts Solicitation

Charlotte Area Transit System’s Bus Operations Division is requesting a 3-year for contract for Cummins engines and replacement parts. The selected vendor would supply all Original Manufacturer Cummins engines and replacement parts for all of Charlotte Area Transit System’s Bus Operations.

PSR # 1665

Power Equipment and Maintenance Services

The Charlotte Fire Department is soliciting a contract for the purchase of landscape power equipment and maintenance of such at City of Charlotte Fire Stations. In addition, this contract shall provide replacements for CFD Emergency Response power equipment such as chain saws and rotary saws. This contract will include four (4) new fire stations built over the contract term including four (4) ladder companies.  This contract shall include a replacement schedule for aged-out equipment as well.

Citywide Domestic Appliances

The City of Charlotte is seeking a vendor or vendors to supply a wide range of domestic appliances. Reliable appliances are crucial for maintaining high standards of living and operational efficiency for city employees, including first responders and staff. A contract or contracts to purchase various domestic appliances will support the smooth functioning of essential services, will be essential to ensure consistent and efficient operations across multiple facilities, and will allow timely access to quality equipment.

HURST Jaws of Life

The City of Charlotte is seeking a new contract for HURST Jaws of Life. The City has determined Hurst Jaws of Life tools to be the best fit for emergency rescue purposes. These tools are used to free trapped occupants from motor vehicle collisions, machinery accidents, and other rescue situations.

CLT Branded Apparel

The vendor will test the embroidery of a CLT employee logo and Aviation division names in specific thread color, spacing, stitch count and stitch type to achieve a premium meeting the Airport’s brand standards. The vendor is able to deliver a readily-available superior assortment of goods and brands in a variety of price points to evaluate. This allows the Airport to select multiple manufacturers that could provide the goods which best meet the needs of the Airport operation. Through the vendor’s established relationships with the manufacturers, the vendor is able to acquire and deliver hard samples of goods within 2-3 business days throughout the review process and can continue to meet turnaround times for orders not readily available throughout the industry.

MS Switchgear Replacement

This project is for the production of engineered documents detailing the replacement of the existing 2500A switchboard ‘MS’ located in the basement below the main terminal of CLT airport. The existing switchgear shall be replaced with (2) new electrical distribution panelboards and shall have backup
power availability through the installation of a generator docking station and manual transfer switch.
The new distribution panelboards shall feed all existing circuits energized from existing switchboard ‘MS’. After all existing circuits have been refed, existing switchboard ‘MS’ shall be demolished.