Contract to provide the city with Ready Mix Concrete and bulk cement product for reparis done in the city’s right of way.
Median Object Markers – CANCELED
Median Object Markers are installed throughout the City by the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT). These markers give clear indications of separations of lanes and the location of roadway medians on City streets. The markers are bolted into asphalt or concrete to assist with traffic flow by providing clarity of lane locations in highly congested areas for both daytime and nighttime driving.
The solicitation is to establish a contract to purchase the Median Object Markers and the necessary hardware, for two years with the option to renew for three additional one-year terms.
Key Fire Hoses
The Charlotte Fire Department (CFD) uses Key Fire Hoses in its firefighting operations. CFD utilizes 5″ Large Diameter Hoses and 1.75″ and 2.5″ Hand Lines. The hoses must meet the current NFPA 1961 Standards. The hoses are delivered coupled, tested, and carry a 10-year written warranty against defects in materials and workmanship.
This solicitation is to establish a contract to purchase Key Fire Hoses for one-year with the option to renew for four additional one-year terms.
Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) is the largest Rail Transit System in North Carolina and has various maintenance and parts needs along the rail lines. Western-Cullen-Hayes, Inc. is the original supplier and the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) for CATS BLE Grade Crossing Parts and Integrity Wire was utilized to supply Gate Arms Spares. The awarded bidder will have to also make minor repairs. In order to upkeep the BLE Grade Crossing CATS is in need of a contract for spare parts.
PSR 924
TUG for CATS Bus Operations
CATS Bus Operations is looking for a one-time purchase of 2 tugs to support Bus Operations services. The requirements are for the tug to be capable of pushing inoperable transit buses up to 90,000 GVW on dry surface conditions.
PSR# 1300
Large Utility Bodies
Charlotte Water will purchase heavy duty truck bodies for replacement vehicles, and new vehicles that may be needed for future operations. Utility truck bodies are installed on separate cab/chassis assemblies which are purchased from a different vendor that is already under contract. The truck bodies purchased on this contract come in different configurations based on the intended use of each specific vehicle. They are installed on trucks used by construction crews in the course of field maintenance and repair tasks throughout the water and wastewater system.
LED Traffic Signal Modules
The City of Charlotte maintains a large and modern traffic signal system and has for many years used standardized materials and equipment. All materials and equipment used to maintain this system are required to be interchangeable and function with the existing infrastructure.
This solicitation is for the purchase of 8″ and 12″ LED Traffic Signal Modules. All signal modules must meet the regulations and requirements concerning traffic signal lighting in the state of North Carolina. The Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT) would like to establish a one-year contract with the option to renew for four (4) additional one-year terms.
SAFT LRV S70 Replacement Batteries
Charlotte Area Transit System Rail Division is requesting to purchase 12 LRV S70 SAFT NICKEL CADMIUM BATTERY MODEL SRX220F3 COMPRISED OF 20 HIGH RATE SINTERED/PBE CELLS housed. The original life span of the current batteries have reached their maximum production life and inventory spares need to be replaced to ensure revenue service isn’t interrupted.
PSR 1216
Terminal Lobby Expansion Furniture
Charlotte Douglas International Airport (“CLT” or “Airport”), which is owned and operated by the City of Charlotte, North Carolina (“City”), is seeking sealed Bids from qualified and experienced companies (individually or collectively, the “Bidder”) interested in providing Furniture for Terminal Lobby Expansion