Aviation / Architectural / Engineering Services
West Boulevard Relocation (Design)
Posting Number 07 2022-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-8643
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-07-26
Commodity Code(s): 90735, 92517, 92536
Solicitation Link: https://charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=1988
This project is associated with the Airport’s 4th Parallel Runway Project. West Boulevard will need to be relocated to Piney Top Drive and Byrum Drive in order to create space for the 4th Parallel Runway and South End-Around Taxiway. Intersection improvements and roadway widening will occur at various locations along the corridor.
The final Engineer of Record will start their services at 30%, by utilizing preliminary plans from the Master Civil Engineer
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