Charlotte Area Transit System / Commodities & Goods
Vanpool Vehicle Purchase Contract 2023 – CANCELLED
Posting Number 08 2023-Q3(Jul-Sep)-CATS-11900
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-08-15
Commodity Code(s): 07192, 99894
CATS BOD is requesting a solicitation for a 1-year contract with 4 one-year renewals to purchase revenue vehicles for the Vanpool Program.
73 Replacement Vehicles and 10 Expansion
65- Seven Passenger Vans
18- Fifteen Passenger Vans
Totaling 83 Vans
PSR # 1430
Last Updated: 03/25/24
Insurance Requirements+
Estimated Total Value+
Contract Term+
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For Questions, Contact:
Jordan Politowicz
Procurement Officer