Aviation / General Services
Posting Number 11 2021-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-6904
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-11-22
Commodity Code(s): 98836, 98852, 98888
Solicitation Link: https://bidders.e-builder.net/landing?bidpackageid=06e742a7-835a-4efa-b195-52dd3d7396fe
Provide Brush mow maintenance of city owned parcels, trash removal, minor trimming, landscaping and similar work. The work covered by this project consists of all labor, equipment and performing of all operations necessary to bush hog and otherwise maintain vacant land, fields, drainage areas or otherwise unoccupied land. Work may occur around areas with buildings to
be demolished, construction areas, vacated parking lots, road shoulders or other areas that may present unique hazards. Areas may be sloped, rough terrain or flat ground. Contractor is required to provide all safety operations such as lane closures, signage or similar to create a safe work zone for their staff and limit impacts to traffic or operations around the site. All lane closures will be coordinated in advance with airport representative.
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