Aviation / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 06 2022-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-8545
Anticipated Posting Date 2022-06-20
Commodity Code(s): 90600, 90735
Solicitation Link: https://charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=1983
The project of renovations of the D/E Connector, starting at the Atrium and encompassing the primary circulation path of the eastern portion of the Passenger Terminal Building to the end of the existing moving walkways and all areas south of that path, up to the Concourse C Connector. The project includes the following:
a) Repositioning the major passenger circulation route of the D/E connector between the Atrium to the end of the moving walkways at the approach of Concourse D;
b) Relocating the airline lounge space from the departure level to an upper-level location while expanding it to 40,000 square feet;
c) Providing a new passenger destination and experience at the departures level that will provide increased financial returns to the airport; and
d) Providing service area at the apron level to help with operations within the DECO area.
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