City Wide / General Services
Posting Number 04 2020-Q2(Apr-Jun)-CTW-1300
Anticipated Posting Date 2020-04-17
Commodity Code(s): 91885, 96269
Solicitation Link:
IT staffing, Temporary Staffing, and Recruitment Services for Citywide use.
The objective of this RFP is to solicit Proposals that will enable the City to determine which Company and Proposed Solution will best meet the City’s needs for technology and other staff augmentation services, including recruitment, temporary job categories and IT job categories.
The City of Charlotte is seeking Companies with the ability to provide Technology and Staff Augmentation needs when supplementation of full-time City staff is necessary. Contractors shall support the City in various roles across City Departments. For staffing assignment, Companies shall receive a detailed scope of work containing the specific needs and objectives for the Contractor.
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