Department of General Services / Architectural / Engineering Services
Posting Number 11 2020-Q4(Oct-Dec)-DGS-2522
Anticipated Posting Date 2020-11-05
Commodity Code(s): 92556, 92588
The City of Charlotte (City) is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from firms/teams (Firms) to provide structural engineering design services and deck inspection services (Services) for various unspecified projects (Project) on an as-needed basis. Award to multiple firms is anticipated. Total estimated expenditures for these services across all contracts is $300,000 per year.
Services may include inspection of City parking decks and providing repair design services. Decks will be inspected in accordance with professional standards and a report will be provided on the physical condition of the decks along with recommendations for needed repairs. If any imminently dangerous conditions are identified, the Firm will design any required emergency repairs.
Typical structural engineering needs may also include the design of non-standard drainage structures; non-standard headwalls; junction boxes; inlets; manholes; endwall treatments; retaining walls; structural engineering review of shop drawings, and evaluation/design of shoring for buildings and roadways.
Each project may range from a single structure to multiple structures. Some of these projects may be in response to an urgent, unanticipated need that requires services on an expedited basis; therefore, the selected Firm may be required to provide emergency services on short notice and within a tight time schedule.
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