Department of General Services / Construction
Posting Number 11 2024-Q4(Oct-Dec)-DGS-17354
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-11-14
Commodity Code(s): 91244, 91319, 91339, 91345, 91347, 91361, 91396, 91430, 91455, 91458, 91479, 92914, 96185, 96239, 96279, 96861, 96882, 96884, 97524, 98814, 98815, 98852
Solicitation Link:
This unspecified contract will provide horizontal construction services on an as-needed basis to the General Services Department. The work includes: traffic control; erosion control; clearing and grading; drainage; milling; asphalt paving; pavement markings; retaining wall; concrete curb, sidewalk, and driveways; pedestrian refuge island, and wheelchair ramps; utility relocation and installations; and related activities.
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