charlotte-area-transit-system-bluet  Charlotte Area Transit System / Construction

Canceled – South Blvd. Light Rail Facility – 3rd Floor Roofing Replacement


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Posting Number 03 2022-Q1(Jan-Mar)-CATS-6678

Anticipated Posting Date 2022-03-15

Commodity Code(s): 91066, 91473

    1. Project Identification: The project consists of roof recover at the Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) Light Rail Administration Facility, 3200 South Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina.
    2. Project Access: Access to the facility is at 3305 Pelton Street, Charlotte, North Carolina located at the rear of the facility.
    3. Base Bid: Work is generally as follows:
  1. Removal of lightning protection system and storage for reuse.
  2. Removal and disposal of all existing single-ply membrane and flashings; metal flashings, scupper liners and coping caps; installation of new polyisocyanurate roof insulation, gypsum cover board and overlay, fleeceback Polyvinyl-Chloride (PVC) roof membrane and flashings, wood blocking, metal flashings, coping caps, PVC scupper liners and all associated miscellaneous work as specified herein.
  3. Complete removal of existing brick along wall above roof level at Area D; and installation of new through-wall flashing and brick replacement consisting of use of salvaged brick if in good condition and providing new brick (to match existing) as required.
  4. Reinstallation of lightning protection system upon completion of the roofing work according to specifications and requirements of the original UL master label installation.
    The existing roof systems from top to bottom are as follows:

    Components Areas A, B, C and D
    Membrane Fully adhered Hypalon-based single-ply membrane
    Cover Board 1/2 inch gypsum fiber roof board
    Insulation Two (2) layers of 2-inch extruded polystyrene (XPS)
    Underlayment 5/8 inch gypsum fiber roof board
    Deck Metal deck except that parts of Area A has acoustical metal deck
    Drainage Internal roof drains with overflow scuppers
    Slope 1/4 inch per foot structural slope with XPS insulation drainage crickets

Approx. heights of roofs to top of parapets above grade is 50 feet.

Approx.. square footage of roof project is 18,313 sq.ft.

(PSR# 1206)



Last Updated: 02/09/22
Insurance Requirements+
Estimated Total Value+
Contract Term+

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Gregory Tate

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