Department of General Services / Construction
Posting Number 06 2024-Q2(Apr-Jun)-DGS-14214
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-06-13
Commodity Code(s): 74505, 91219, 91223, 91240, 91244, 91319, 91345, 91347, 91361, 91430, 96185, 96884, 98814
Solicitation Link:
This project will provide new sidewalk along Sardis Road North from Sardis Road to westernmost intersection of Rittenhouse Circle and Sardis Road North. Project length = 0.5 miles.
This project will include the following:
6′ Sidewalk
8′ Planting Strips
2′-6″ Curb and Gutter
Street Trees
Concrete Ped Refuge Island (between Kilcullen Dr. and Rittenhouse Circle)
Concrete Bus waiting pads
Retaining Walls
Curb Ramps
Storm Drainage
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