Charlotte Area Transit System / General Services
S70 Light Rail Vehicle Engineering Services
Posting Number 10 2023-Q4(Oct-Dec)-CATS-11331
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-10-03
Commodity Code(s): 91832, 91896, 94061
This Request for Proposals is to select one or more firms to provide consulting engineering services to the CATS Rail Car Maintenance department on a task order on-call basis. CATS reserves the right to substitute, delete, or add additional tasks to those outlined in Work because of changes in priorities or unforeseen circumstances. The Consultant services are not considered either complete or all-inclusive and may include any combination thereof. We recognize that some categories are not unique and may be like others, interface with, or be extensions of others.
PSR # 1512
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For Questions, Contact:
Jordan Politowicz
Procurement Officer