Aviation / Construction
Posting Number 10 2021-Q4(Oct-Dec)-AVI-6758
Anticipated Posting Date 2021-10-22
Commodity Code(s): 14560, 77000, 91066, 91473, 95896, 97773
Solicitation Link: https://charlottenc.gov/DoingBusiness/Pages/SolicitationDetails.aspx?ID=1818
This contract will be to provide roof and sealant replacement on the building at
4824 West Boulevard for Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Charlotte, North Carolina. This will be a complete removal of existing roofing membrane, insulation, flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters, and downspouts, and complete removal of all existing backer rod and sealant at exterior wall brick control joints; repair and/or replacement of rusted and/or deteriorated metal deck, and the installation of new insulation, cover board, mechanically fastened 60 mil TPO membrane and associated flashings, sheet metal flashings, gutters and downspouts, and backer rod and sealant at exterior wall brick control joints and all associated miscellaneous work. The contractor must also provide temporary protection of contents in the building and cleanup of debris associated with removals. The roof has exceeded the expected lifespan and is currently 30+ years old. The project term will be 180 days.
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