Aviation / Technology Goods & Services
Posting Number 07 2023-Q3(Jul-Sep)-AVI-12009
Anticipated Posting Date 2023-07-07
Commodity Code(s): 80300, 84000, 84014, 91500, 91506
The Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) manages a Public Address (PA) System, comprised of AtlasIED hardware and software, to provide audible messages for regulatory requirements and flight information. The current PA system provides messaging throughout the CLT main terminal that includes a ticket lobby, baggage claim, atrium, food court, and 5 concourses for a total of 115 gates. The CLT terminal building PA System provides messaging to the entire terminal building, specific zones, or gate holding areas for passengers. Scheduled messages and live paging are managed by AtlasIED controllers and GCK software. PA System equipment is connected via TCP/IP network infrastructure managed by the CLT Technology Team. All AtlasIED equipment currently in use at CLT supports COBRANET audio format.
The term of the Contract shall be for three (3) years with two (2) optional one-year.
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