innovation-technology-bluet  Innovation & Technology / Technology Goods & Services

Residential and Public Spaces Wired and Wireless Internet Services


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Posting Number 09 2022-Q3(Jul-Sep)-IT-8480

Anticipated Posting Date 2022-09-20

Commodity Code(s): 83883, 90684, 91579, 91597, 91895, 92037, 95889

Solicitation Link:

The City is seeking to extend and expand its wired and wireless high-speed broadband network to serve over 4,000 households where the digital divide impacts ability to fully participate in today’s economy, workforce pipeline, banking, and communications.

Locations include Multi-Family housing and public space sites currently served, additional Multi-Family housing sites, single-family housing sites, and additional public space sites. Could be awarded to more than one respondent.



Last Updated: 10/24/22
Insurance Requirements+
Estimated Total Value+
Contract Term+

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For Questions, Contact:

Krystal King

City Contact
