Aviation / Construction
Posting Number 04 2024-Q2(Apr-Jun)-AVI-3132
Anticipated Posting Date 2024-04-02
Commodity Code(s): 91240, 91310, 91395, 98814, 98832
Solicitation Link: https://www.charlottenc.gov/Growth-and-Development/Doing-Business/Contract-Opportunities/Relocation-of-West-Boulevard
The West Boulevard Project includes the construction of approximately 1.2 miles of the future West Blvd by realigning existing Byrum Drive and existing Piney Top Drive from the intersection of Steele Creek Road and West Blvd to the intersection of West Blvd and Piney Top Drive. The Project includes construction of a new intersection of proposed West Blvd and Byrum Drive and a new intersection of proposed West Blvd and Piney Top Drive. Disciplines will include roadway, hydraulics, erosion control, signals, traffic management, pavement marking, signing, utility design, and utility relocation. Existing portions of West Blvd between Steele Creek Road and Piney Top Drive will be removed as part of a separate project.
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