city-wide-bluet  City Wide / Technology Goods & Services

Re-Solicitation On Call ADA Assessment and Remediation Services for Digital Assets


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Posting Number 10 2023-Q4(Oct-Dec)-CTW-11780

Anticipated Posting Date 2023-10-11

Commodity Code(s): 91825, 92015

Solicitation Link:

The scope of this contract shall be to provide ADA Assessment and Remediation Services on Digital Assets for the City of Charlotte.

The City of Charlotte is interested in partnering with qualified companies capable of digital asset assessment and remediation (e.g., websites, web apps, mobile apps, kiosks, public information display systems, etc.) for the purpose of citizen and employee accessibility, and accessibility by anyone with a disability pursuant to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) (42 U.S.C. Ch. 126 – 12-101 et seq).


Last Updated: 10/16/23
Insurance Requirements+
Estimated Total Value+
Contract Term+

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For Questions, Contact:

Danielle DiSanti

Procurement Officer